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Sen. Cruz on Biden’s Border Executive Order: ‘Joe Biden has finally admitted he had the power to act on the border all along’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) released a statement today following President Biden signing an executive order addressing U.S.-Mexico illegal alien border crossings.

In response, Sen. Cruz said, “I’m glad that Joe Biden has finally admitted he had the power to act on the border all along. Unfortunately, this is too little too late. The Biden administration is panicking because their border policies have led to unchecked illegal immigration, which was by design, but the American people don’t like it. This executive order is about the Biden administration trying to give themselves political cover ahead of the election in November, and it won’t work. The executive order will still allow thousands of illegal aliens to come across the border per day. That’s absurd, and the American people won’t buy it.”

Sen. Cruz led a press conference today with Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) calling out President Biden’s failure to secure the border. Watch the press conference here.
