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Sen. Cruz on Hannity: Democrats’ Dangerous HR.1 Bill Undermines Election Integrity and Voting Rights

Talks to Sean Hannity, Sergio Sanchez, and Chris Salcedo

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) this week appeared on Fox News' ‘Hannity,' ‘The Sergio Show' with Sergio Sanchez, and Newsmax's ‘Chris Salcedo Show' to discuss Democrats' radical HR.1 bill, the worsening crisis at the southern border, the pork-filled COVID bill, and President Biden's boring but radical first 50 days in office. Highlights of these interviews are below.

WATCH: Cruz on Fox: President Biden & Democrats Are Prioritizing Their Radical Agenda Over American Citizens

On House Democrats' radical election reform bill, HR.1, Sen. Cruz said:

"I think HR.1 is terrible policy - I would call it the universal voter fraud law. You know, it's an amazing thing, we came out of this last election where we saw multiple instances of serious allegations of voter fraud, and the Democrats and the media took on the talking points that voter fraud doesn't exist [and] that anyone who says it exists is somehow engaged in a conspiracy theory. Now with HR.1, the Democrats are seeking to lock in their advantage. They want mail-in balloting everywhere. They want no photo ID. [...] Right now, they have the White House and both houses of Congress, and they're trying to take this moment in time and lock their control in permanently by changing the rules so that they can manipulate and steal election results. HR.1 is a terrible bill, it's a bill that doesn't protect election integrity - it undermines it. There's a reason it's HR.1. The number one priority of Democrats is keeping Democrats in power. That matters more to them than COVID. It matters more to them than jobs. It matters more to them than kids in school. They want to stay in power. This is all about stopping the voters from voting them out of office. It's a very dangerous bill." (Sen. Cruz, ‘Hannity,' 3/10/21)

On President Biden's "boring but radical" first 50 days in office, Sen. Cruz said:

"He doesn't do press conferences. He doesn't say much of anything. He's as boring as paint dries and he's doing that on purpose. I think there are a lot of folks that are kind of relieved. They're kind of relieved not to have the drama. They're kind of relieved not to be worrying about what the president has said that day. But it is all a subterfuge. It is all a mask designed to hide what is an incredibly radical policy agenda. If you look at these Cabinet nominees Biden has put forward - they're extreme." (Sen. Cruz, ‘Hannity,' 3/10/21)

"He is unwilling to stand up to the hard Left. He's not willing to tell Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and AOC ‘No.' He's scared of the angry Left. They're the ones who are driving this agenda. As bad as it's been in the first two months, it's getting more and more and more radical. That's really dangerous for the country." (Sen. Cruz, ‘Hannity,' 3/10/21)

On the crisis at the southern border, Sen. Cruz said:

"This is exactly what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want, which is an open border. They made a determination, a political determination, that the more people who come here illegally, the more Democratic voters [they'll receive]. None of this is by accident. Returning to catch and release, telling people they're halting deportations, stopping ICE from enforcing the law. This is all by design." (Sen. Cruz, ‘The Sergio Show,' 3/10/21)

"I think the administration is engaged in active disinformation. We saw the Secretary of Homeland Security say, ‘There is no crisis at the border.' That is simply false. We're seeing the numbers of illegal crossings skyrocketing. We're seeing in particular the number of kids coming in skyrocketing. [...] The result of that is it produced an incredible influx of unaccompanied children. The problem with that is you've got children who are being brought in by human traffickers, by global criminal cartels. They are vicious. They are physically abusing these kids. They're sexually abusing these kids. Nobody who is humane and nobody who is compassionate, nobody who cares about the kids, would want to see little boys and little girls handed over to human traffickers. That's what's happening right now. The reason they're coming now is the reason they came when Barack Obama was president, which is because they've been promised amnesty. Joe Biden is telling them, ‘If the kids come, they can stay.' And the direct result of those irresponsible promises is little children being subject to horrific conditions and horrific abuse. Sadly, it's only getting worse." (Sen. Cruz, ‘Chris Salcedo Show,' 3/10/21)

"If you look at the immigration plan that Joe Biden put forth, it is the most radical immigration plan any American president has ever proposed. [...] Even more broadly than that, he proposes rescinding every single person who was deported over the last four years, if you were deported under Donald Trump. Joe Biden says, ‘Come on back.' That's true even if you're a murderer, even if you're a rapist, even if you're a child molester, even if you have killed people as a drunk driver. Joe Biden said, ‘Well, if Donald Trump deported you, we want you in America.' [...] President Trump pretty frequently framed his policies in terms of America first. The Biden administration policy seems to be centered around America last." (Sen. Cruz, ‘Chris Salcedo Show,' 3/10/21)

"It's interesting, in the hierarchy of priorities, they're releasing illegal immigrants who [potentially] have COVID-19. [...] They so want open borders that the restrictions they want to place on every American somehow disappears if you're an illegal immigrant - it's backwards. [...] COVID-19 has been a serious disease. We've seen over 500,000 Americans lose their lives. [...] But yet you see these Big Government statists who say, ‘Well, even if you get the vaccine, you still need to wear a mask. Even if you get the vaccine, you still can't fly on an airplane. Even if you get the vaccine, we're still going to keep schools shut down forever.' It is insane." (Sen. Cruz, ‘Chris Salcedo Show,' 3/10/21)

WATCH: Cruz on Newsmax Discusses the Border Crisis & President Biden Prioritizing Illegal Aliens Over Americans

On Democrats' wasteful COVID bill, Sen. Cruz said:

"I introduced an amendment, a very straightforward amendment, and said, ‘Okay, you're going to send $1,400 checks from taxpayer money to every adult in America below an income threshold, we should not be sending them to illegal immigrants.' If you're not here legally, you shouldn't be getting a taxpayer check. We voted on that on the Senate floor, [and] every single Democrat voted no. Every single Democrat said, ‘We are going to send your taxpayer money to illegal immigrants.' They also voted no on another amendment of mine that was not to send those checks to prisoners, to violent criminals who are in prison, literally murderers, rapists, child molesters are all going to be getting checks from the U.S. government, from Uncle Sam. Every single Democrat voted to send those criminals checks." (Sen. Cruz, ‘The Sergio Show,' 3/10/21)

"I'll take another provision that's really a stunning provision in this particular bill. It is forgiving agricultural loans, but they forgive it on a race-based standard. In other words, if you are from what they call a historically disadvantaged race or ethnicity. So if a farmer is African-American and the farmer is Hispanic and the farmer is Asian-American, that farmers' loans are forgiven. [...] They are forgiven at a rate of 120 percent. More than the amount of the loan. There's no wealth tests. There's no income test. So you could be an African-American billionaire and get your loans forgiven, but a poor white farmer is ineligible. [...] I mean, it is wrong." (Sen. Cruz, ‘The Sergio Show,' 3/10/21)

LISTEN: Cruz Speaks with Sergio Sanchez on the Border Crisis & President Biden's Radical Immigration Policies
