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Sen. Cruz on ‘Hannity’: Stop the SURGE Act Shows Democrat Hypocrisy Over Surge of Illegal Immigrants in South Texas Communities

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, this week joined Fox News’ ‘Hannity’ to discuss the Biden-Harris border crisis and his new bill, the Stop the SURGE Act, to establish new ports of entry in 13 communities across the country. Read highlights of his interview below.

On the Biden-Harris administration’s effort to hide the border crisis in South Texas, Sen. Cruz said:

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris have a political problem, and their political problem is their policies on the border have produced an absolute catastrophe, absolute chaos. Two million people are expected to cross illegally this year, and you’ve got children being physically assaulted, sexually assaulted, you have women being raped, you have COVID positivity rates at the Biden cages in South Texas – the COVID positivity rates when I was last down there three, four weeks ago, was 24 percent. They have no solution because they’ve made a promise to the radical, open-borders left that they won’t enforce the lawSo, their only answer is to hide it. And so, there’s a reason why you’re seeing flights at 2:30 in the morning, at 4:00 in the morning, because they want to hide it, and they’re counting on the corrupt corporate media to be complicit in covering it up.

On his new bill, the Stop the SURGE Act, Sen. Cruz said:

It’s called the Stop the SURGE act, and it’s very simple. All it does is it creates 13 new ports of entry. So right now, those 2 million illegal aliens, most of them are coming to the state of Texas, my home state. I said, well, look if it’s okay, if you’re fine with 2 million illegal immigrants, let’s send them to where you like to hang out. So the 13 ports of entry that my bill creates are Block Island, Rhode Island, Greenwich, Connecticut, Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Governors Island, New York, and Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, where Joe Biden likes to relax. Nantucket, Massachusetts, Newport, Rhode Island, Scarsdale, New York, Palo Alto, California, Yountville, California, which is, of course, where the French laundry is, where Gavin Newsom likes to party it up when he forces other people to shut down. St. Helena, California, as you mentioned, North Hero, Vermont, where Bernie Sanders has one of his vacation homes. And, you know, Sean, you live in the craziness that is Manhattan. How exactly do you think the rich stuck up liberals in Nantucket or Martha’s Vineyard would react if they saw 10,000, 20,000, 50,000, 100,000 illegal aliens being dropped off week after week in the vineyard?


“Look, the fundamental problem is under our immigration law, it’s the federal government that has the power to deport, and we’ve seen presidents that do a lousy job of that – Barack Obama did a lousy job of it. What we’ve never seen is a president like Joe Biden that just absolutely refuses to do it, just defies federal law, wholescale, and, you know, let’s take a community like Del Rio. We’ve been talking about Del Rio a lot lately. I was in Del Rio just a couple of weeks ago. Del Rio is a small town that the population of Del Rio is about 35,000. In one day, there were over 15,000 illegal immigrants, mostly from Haiti – one day under the bridge there in Del Rio. That’s nearly half the population of the city. I got to say in response to my bill today, it’s been fun seeing Democrats pull their hair out and explain why it’s a ‘terrible bill.’ You know, the governor of Rhode Island said, ‘Well, I can’t say anything nice about this bill at all. All I can do is insult it.’ And I got to say, I responded to the governor, I said, well, gosh, it seems to me you can only say one of two things. You can either say, ‘Sure, we’d love to see 2 million illegal immigrants in Newport, Rhode Island,’ number one. Or number two, you could say, ‘If that’s a bad thing, gosh, maybe Joe Biden and Kamala Harris shouldn’t be inflicting this massive surge on Texas and the rest of the country.’ You can’t have it both ways. Either it’s a good thing or bad thing. And these liberals are hypocrites that want to see illegal aliens in your communities, but not their privileged enclaves.”


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