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Sen. Cruz on Peng Shuai and WTA: The Chinese Communist Party Isn't Used to Having Sports Leagues or Corporate Interests Stand Up to Them

On Face the Nation, Senator Ted Cruz Calls on President to Biden Stop Surrendering to our Enemies and Stop the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, joined CBS News’ Face the Nation on Sunday to discuss the Chinese Communist Party’s actions to silence and disappear tennis star Peng Shuai, and commend the Women’s Tennis Association for threatening to cut off association with China in response. The Senator also called out the Biden administration for surrendering to Vladimir Putin and defying U.S. law by lifting sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

On China’s malign activities, Sen. Cruz said:

“The Chinese communist government is flabbergasted because they're not used to seeing sports leagues or big corporate interests stand up to them.”

“You know, when China engages in horrific slave labor, companies like Nike turn a blind eye. When you look at the NBA, I'm a die-hard hoops fan, the NBA's reaction to China's terrible. Terrible. They're terrified of upsetting the Chinese communist dictators.”

“I'm trying to get President Biden to stop acquiescing and surrendering to our enemies. [On] China, I introduced an amendment to say that we should not purchase any green vehicles or solar panels made with slave labor in communist China in concentration camps. Every Democrat but Joe Manchin voted against it.”

On Russia and the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, Sen. Cruz added:

“On Russia, one of the first things Joe Biden did was surrender to Vladimir Putin on Nord Stream 2. He gave Putin a multi-billion-dollar pipeline, a pipeline that we had stopped. I had authored bipartisan sanctions legislation. Democrats and Republicans overwhelmingly supported my legislation, and we killed that pipeline dead. Joe Biden came in and surrendered.” 
