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Sen. Cruz Opposes Continuing Resolution

Does nothing to secure the border, stop Obamacare, or clarify ISIS strategy

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, today issued the following statement regarding the Continuing Appropriations Resolution for Fiscal Year 2015.

“I cannot vote to empower our lawless president to continue his plans that threaten the economy and our national security,” said Sen. Cruz. “The Continuing Resolution funds Obama’s Amnesty, it funds Obamacare, and it funds military operations in Syria that are not authorized by Congress and are dependent on unreliable actors in the region.”

“I have offered several amendments to make America more free, strong, and safe, but the sad fact of the matter is that Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid’s do-nothing Senate refuses even to allow vote on them,” said Sen. Cruz.

“Given that this Continuing Resolution does nothing to secure the border, give Americans any relief from Obamacare, or commit President Obama to a clear strategy against ISIS that protects U.S. interests, I cannot in good conscience vote for the Continuing Resolution," said Sen. Cruz. "It is my fervent hope that Americans will speak loud and clear in the next few months, elect a new Senate majority, and give the new Congress a strong mandate to reverse the disastrous decline orchestrated by President Obama and the Senate Democrats."

Sen. Cruz filed the following amendments to the Continuing Resolution, which were blocked by Senate Democrats.

  • Defund Obamacare
  • Effectively prevent President Obama from taking prospective executive actions to illegally expand amnesty.
  • Extend the CR effective date from Dec. 11, 2014 to April 17, 2015, to avoid holding a lame duck session.
  • Require President Obama to seek and receive congressional authorization for military force before conducting ongoing military operations against ISIS.

Sen. Cruz also cosponsored the following amendments:

  • Sen. Ayotte’s amendment to permanently extend the internet tax moratorium, commonly referred to as the Internet Tax Freedom Act
  • Sen. Ayotte’s amendment to extend the internet tax moratorium through June 30, 2015 to prevent new taxes on internet access and unrelated internet sales tax legislation during the lame duck session.




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