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Sen. Cruz: Prayers for Victims of Severe Weather in Texas

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today released the following statement on the devastating storms and tornadoes in North Texas yesterday that killed at least 11 people and damaged more than 600 buildings: 

“Yesterday evening, horrific storms and tornadoes hit the state of Texas. Tragically, lives were lost, many were injured, and still many more left homeless. While the damage is great, our perseverance is greater. At times like these, we all come together to help one another. The Red Cross and first responders in the area have acted swiftly to tend to those in need. Heidi and I ask that you join us in keeping the victims of this tragedy in your hearts and prayers, and we encourage you to lend a hand to those affected as storms continue throughout the day.”
