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Sen. Cruz: President Biden’s Agenda In Step With Radical Base, Not Most Americans

WASHINGTON, D.C. - As President Biden gives his first Joint Address to Congress, he'll likely be doing so under the guise of unity and make his best attempts to appeal to bipartisanship ­- though what the American people have seen since he took the oath of office has been anything but.

President Biden has embraced the radical left, and if Alexandria Ocasio Cortez's recent comments are any measure, his administration has "exceeded" progressives' expectations.

But President Biden's efforts to plow ahead and appease the most radical members of his base isn't what the American people want. In fact, 60% of Americans say Biden should try to win Republican support by making major changes to his proposals.

President Biden's radical agenda is far from what the American people want:

More than half of U.S. adults disapprove of President Biden's handling of the border crisis.

Three times as many Americans say security at the U.S.-Mexico border is worse under President Biden.

Almost 60% of voters oppose reducing immigration enforcement.

68% of Americans oppose court packing, including 68% of independents.

80% of voters are concerned about wasteful spending in an "infrastructure" bill.

Polls show 54% of Americans are worried that passing a new infrastructure bill will trigger rising prices for goods and services and make their day-to-day lives more expensive.

Only 18% of Americans support the "defund the police" movement, but President Biden chose to nominate extreme partisan ideologues Kristen Clarke and Vanita Gupta to prominent roles at the Department of Justice, both of whom vocally advocated for defunding the police.

77% of Americans approve of requiring photo ID to vote, but Democrats are desperately trying to undermine existing voter ID laws by passing the ‘Corrupt Politicians Act.'

Only 35% of Americans support statehood for Washington D.C., but President Biden has thrown his support behind the radical push to make D.C. the 51st state in a brazen attempt to add two new Democratic senators.

Bottom Line: President Biden's radical agenda ignores the will of many Americans. Sen. Cruz remains committed to solutions that will keep Americans safe, help our economy grow, and protect our institutions.
