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Sen. Cruz Statement on Continued Assaults Against Law Enforcement Across Our Nation

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, released the following statement in response to the continuing assault against law enforcement across our nation:

“We stand with our police officers, we stand with our fire fighters, with our EMS, with our first responders. These are brave humans who risk their lives keeping us safe. We are seeing a manifestation of the rhetoric and vilification of law enforcement that is coming from the top -- all the way to the President of the United States and senior administration officials."

"Cops across this country are feeling the assault. They're feeling the assault from the President, from the top on down as we see, whether it's in Ferguson or Baltimore, the response of senior officials of the President, of the Attorney General, is to vilify law enforcement. That is fundamentally wrong, and it is endangering the safety and security of us all."

"I'm proud to stand with law enforcement, to stand with the police and fire fighters and first responders. They are American heroes. And they need a President who doesn't attack and vilify them and who doesn't seek to tear us apart along racial lines to inflame racial divisions. Instead we need a President who works to bring us together and unify us behind shared American values."