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Sen. Cruz Thanks Pro-Life Marchers for Unwavering Support for Life

Praises March for Life 2017; Cosponsors Born-Alive Legislation

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today released the following statement in recognition of the March for Life, where millions of Americans will gather in D.C. and across the nation in defense of policies at all levels of government that defend innocent life: 

“As millions of Americans gather in D.C. and cities all across the country today to recognize the fundamental right to life, we mourn and remember the 57 million innocent, unborn lives that have been ended by abortion since Roe v. Wade was decided 44 years ago. I want to thank all who are marching today and all who are fighting tirelessly to rectify this injustice and defend the unborn. Their heroic efforts continue to speak the truth in love and make great strides in restoring the sanctity of life throughout the 50 states. I stand with you all and remain firmly committed to efforts that will minimize and, hopefully one day, put an end to the scourge of abortion upon our society. With your efforts we can bring a light of hope and restore a culture of life in America. Each life is a gift from God. Without life, there is no liberty. So today, and every day, we stand united for life, and we resolve to always cherish and defend it." 

Sen. Cruz has been a leader in efforts to defend life throughout his career. Earlier this week, he joined with colleagues to reintroduce the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, sponsored by Sen. Ben Sasse, which requires that a child born alive as a result of an abortion must be given the same degree of health care as any other child born alive at that gestational stage. He also advocated last Friday in a Senate resolution to reinstate the Mexico City policy to ensure that American taxpayer dollars are not spent to promote abortion in foreign countries. After years of not being enforced under the Obama Administration, President Donald Trump reinstated the Mexico City policy via executive order earlier this week. 

In the U.S. Senate, Sen. Cruz has led efforts to take away taxpayer dollars from Planned Parenthood and advocated for an investigation into abortion practices in the U.S. to put a stop to facilities and doctors illegally performing late term abortions and infanticide. As Solicitor General of Texas he led the charge on behalf of 13 states to successfully defend a federal law that bans partial birth abortion before the U.S. Supreme Court.

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