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Sen. Cruz: The President’s Speech Laid Out a Vision Americans Have Been Hungry For – Bringing Back Jobs and Economic Growth

Interviews with Fox News and MSNBC’s Morning Joe in Response to President Trump’s Joint Address

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) appeared on Fox News with Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum last night and MSNBC’s Morning Joe today to discuss President Trump’s remarks to the joint session of Congress. 

On Fox News, Sen. Cruz discussed conservative solutions to the national debt and deficit, and the President’s call to repeal Obamacare:

“I thought it was a bold, positive speech. It laid out a vision for America that I think millions of Americans have been hungry for. Bringing back jobs and economic growth - that is what I hear from Texans all across our great state and across the country.” Sen. Cruz said. “There’s no doubt we have to be serious about the national debt. The most potent tool for dealing with the national debt and deficit is not cost cutting - it’s economic growth. That is why my number one priority in the Senate is and always has been jobs and economic growth. That is why I'm so encouraged by President Trump's speech tonight. He focused on regulatory reform, building the Keystone Pipeline, on tax reform, Obamacare repeal which will produce enormous economic growth, and millions of new jobs. That’s how we pay down our debt and that’s how we solve our fiscal crisis.”

“I believe we can and I believe we must repeal Obamacare. We have to honor our commitment; we campaigned for six years promising to repeal Obamacare.” Sen. Cruz said. “We need to repeal insurance mandates that are driving up premiums, that are making health care unaffordable and we should focus on areas of consensus that brings Republicans together. If we focus on areas of consensus, that's how we get it done and I believe we will get it done. I'm working very, very hard to try to bring my colleagues together in both the Senate and House with the Administration to fulfill the promise to the American people.”

His full interview with Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum may be viewed here.

On Morning Joe Sen. Cruz praised President Trump’s joint address and discussed how the best way to address the federal debt is through economic growth:

“I thought it was a very, very strong speech and I thought it was in fact a positive, unifying vision for the country… What we saw last night one of the most important jobs for the president is to paint a vision of where the country can go, what we can do. I think he did a fabulous job focusing on jobs and working men and women.”

“The best way and the only way to address the debt is economic growth. Economic growth has a greater impact on the budget than anything else. Since World War II, our economy has grown on average at three percent. For eight years, we have been mired at one percent and two percent under President Obama. Repealing Obamacare, regulatory reform, tax reform, if we get this done, and if the economy’s growing at five percent, I said, Mr. President you will be re-elected in a landslide. That is the whole battle to get to five percent GDP growth and we can do it with tax reform, and reg reform and repealing Obamacare.”

His full interview with Joe Scarborough and Mike Brzezinski may be viewed here.
