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Sen. Cruz: This Administration’s View of Federal Power Knows No Bounds

Highlights Ongoing Quest of Obama Administration to Increase Federal Power in Updated Report

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) today updated his report - “The Legal Limit: The Obama Administration’s Attempts to Expand Federal Power” – with two recent U.S. Supreme Court cases that again unanimously struck down the Administration’s effort to increase its power, this time seeking to impose double taxation in PPL Corp v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue and to limit property owners’ constitutional defenses in Horne v. USDA. Since January 2012, the Court has unanimously rejected the Obama Administration Department of Justice’s arguments for expanded federal power eight times.

“It is clear that the Obama Administration’s view of federal power knows virtually no bounds,” Sen. Cruz said. “That combined with its ongoing inability to be forthcoming with the American people – from drones policy to the IRS to Benghazi, to name a few – should be cause of deep concern to every citizen of this great nation. I will continue to highlight the unprecedented quest of this administration to expand its oversight and intrusion into Americans’ lives.”

In April, Sen. Cruz released a report – “The Legal Limit: The Obama Administration’s Attempts to Expand Federal Power” – that analyzes instances where the U.S. Supreme Court has unanimously rejected the Obama Administration’s arguments for increased federal power.

Addendum - More Cases on Obama DOJ's Expansive View of Federal Power
