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Sen. Cruz to Senate Leadership: Keep the Export-Import Bank Expired

Will file eight amendments to advance conservative policies to the highway reauthorization bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today called on Senate leadership to prove that there was no corrupt deal to allow the reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank to be attached to S. 22, the highway reauthorization bill. Cruz will also file eight amendments to the bill. The amendments would advance conservative policies addressing illegal immigration, Obamacare, Second Amendment rights, federal funding for Planned Parenthood, and the Iranian nuclear deal, among other policy priorities.

"I fully intend to take this opportunity to stand for liberty and to stand against cronyism and the Washington Cartel of career politicians and lobbyists in our nation's capital," said Sen. Cruz. "About a month ago, there was a great battle in Congress over Trade Promotion Authority. Leadership insisted there was no corrupt deal to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank. That is great news, and I salute them for saying there is no corrupt deal. Now is the opportunity to prove it. I call on Senate leadership to stop any deal that would allow a reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank on this bill."

Cruz continued: "Each of my amendments addresses a critical policy issue that deserves Congress' full attention. Whether it's protecting the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans, ensuring that taxpayers are not forced to subsidize the abominable actions of Planned Parenthood, or opposing policies like Obamacare, amnesty, and Internet taxes which are favorites of the Washington Cartel, I intend to fight for policies that demonstrate Washington is working for the American people, not for Washington."

Below is a brief summary of the eight amendments Cruz will file:

Illegal Immigration

  • Prohibits disbursement of any highway funds until the Administration has certified that it will no longer implement its amnesty policies, and prevents amnesty recipients from working on federal highway projects


  • Repeals Obamacare
  • Eliminates the illegal Congressional exemption for Obamacare


  • Ends federal funding for Planned Parenthood
  • Prohibits federal funds from going to any abortion provider that is under federal investigation

Internet Freedom

  • Makes permanent the moratorium on Internet access taxes

Second Amendment Rights

  • Ensures state reciprocity for concealed carry laws


  • Ensures no Iranian nuclear deal unless Iran recognizes Israel and frees American hostages
