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Sen. Cruz Tours Dallas County Inland Port

DALLAS COUNTY, Texas – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), the Ranking Member of the Senate Commerce Committee, today toured the Dallas County Inland Port, an industrial hub serving distribution, warehouse, and manufacturing development needs in Southern Dallas County.

About the tour, Sen. Cruz said, “As ranking member of the Senate Commerce Committee, I’m focused on building the Texas an American economy, and supporting policies and legislation that will help the Lone Star State grow. Inland ports like Dallas County Inland Port highlight how our infrastructure and tax policies all come together to create a great environment for businesses and economic activity. That’s why I’m leading a bipartisan effort to build and expand international bridges on the Texas-Mexico border to facilitate greater trade, and it’s why I’m leading efforts to turn Ports-to-Plains into Interstate 27. Together, these kinds of pro-growth policies will benefit places like Dallas County Inland Port and Texans in Dallas and around the state.”

Sen. Cruz is leading the fight for Texas jobs, infrastructure, and innovation from the Senate:

·         Sen. Cruz worked with a Democrat colleague to designate the Interstate 14 extension as a high priority project, a major victory that will benefit the entire Permian Basin region.

·         In 2022, Sen. Cruz successfully included language in the fiscal year (FY) 2022 appropriations legislation to designate the portion of the Ports-to-Plains Corridor from Laredo, Texas, to Raton, New Mexico, as a future Interstate route. This was an important step toward adding the route to the U.S. Interstate System. Though the language passed into law in 2022 will add key parts of the Ports-to-Plains Corridor to the Interstate System, it did not give the route an official future Interstate route number.

·         His latest legislation, which passed out of the Senate in July 2023, would name the Ports-to-Plains Corridor “Interstate 27.” For the two locations in Texas where the future interstate diverges, this new legislation would name them as I-27 West through Midland and I-27 East through Big Spring, and as I-27 North for the current Route 87 from Dumas to the Oklahoma border.

·         Sen. Cruz has also been fighting for four Texas-Mexico international bridge projects, andsuccessfully won inclusion of language in the FY2024 NDAA to expedite permitting decisions for these bridges.

·         Sen. Cruz also secured inclusion of a provision to streamline environmental permits for federally-funded semiconductor manufacturing plants in the FY2024 NDAA.
