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Sen. Cruz Urges Texans to Prepare for Hurricane Season Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) issued the following statement in preparation for the upcoming hurricane season:

"Today marks the beginning of hurricane season, and that means a potential for more storms and floods that could devastate our homes and businesses in Texas.

"We felt that devastation firsthand in 2017, when Hurricane Harvey wreaked havoc on my hometown city of Houston and our Gulf Coast communities. That storm is a reminder that we must take common sense steps to prepare for these storms and protect our communities. Doing so will not only minimize the potential damage from natural disasters, it can help save lives.

"Just as we've seen Texans come together to defeat the coronavirus pandemic and overcome unprecedented economic challenges over the last several months, we must continue to support our family, our neighbors, and those in need as we enter this hurricane season."

Here are some steps you can take to prepare for hurricane season:

  • Know your evacuation route and make an emergency plan: Your regular disaster shelter may not be open this year due to COVID-19. Check with local officials and follow the latest guidelines from the CDC. If you are able, bring protective equipment such as face coverings and hand sanitizer. At any shelter, you will be required to social distance from anyone who isn't a members of your household.
  • Gather supplies: FEMA recommends having enough food, water, and other supplies for every member of your family for at least 72 hours. Unlike recent years, it is critical to have additional supplies prepared that will protect you and your family from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. FEMA recommends you are prepared with two face coverings per family member and cleaning items such as soap, hand sanitizer, and disinfecting wipes. Having these items prepared beforehand will help ensure you are safe should you need to evacuate your home.
  • Make sure you are tech ready: If you are able, set up several ways to receive alerts. Download the FEMA app and receive real-time alerts from the National Weather Service for up to five locations nationwide. Sign up for community alerts in your area and be aware of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) - which requires no sign-up. Additionally, it is now more critical than ever to have prepared any items that will keep you connected during the pandemic, including a backup charger for your phone.
  • Help your neighborhood prepare: Check with neighbors to see how you can help, especially those particularly vulnerable to hurricanes and COVID-19 complications, such as senior adults, or those who may need additional help securing hurricane plans.
  • Make sure your insurance policies and personal documents like IDs are up to date: Make copies and keep them in a secure password protected digital space.
  • Know and strengthen your home: Declutter drains and gutters, bring in outside furniture, and consider hurricane shutters. Make sure you know where the electricity and gas shutoff mechanisms are.

For additional disaster preparedness information and resources visit
