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Sen. Cruz Votes Against Confirmation of Judge Merrick Garland for Attorney General

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, today issued the following statement after voting against the confirmation of Judge Merrick Garland for Attorney General: 

“Judge Garland built a reputation for integrity on the federal bench, and I hoped that over the course of his nomination for Attorney General he would indicate a commitment to the rule of law as Attorney General as well. Unfortunately, he refused to make clear that he would stand against the politicization of the Department, which we saw during the Obama-Biden years. 

“It is nevertheless my hope as the new Attorney General, Merrick Garland will lead the Department of Justice with a commitment to integrity and fidelity to the rule of law. We have a real humanitarian crisis at our Southern border, one that has been created by the Biden administration’s radical, open borders agenda. I hope to see Judge Garland enforce all our laws fairly, including our immigration laws, and stop the crisis that is unfolding.

“And now that the Mainstream Media’s long overdue scrutiny of Governor Cuomo has shed light on his reckless and callous handling of the pandemic, which resulted in the deaths of thousands of New York senior citizens, Judge Garland should swiftly launch an investigation into Governor Cuomo’s COVID-19 cover-up, as well as other states like Pennsylvania where similar deadly directives were given.” 
