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Sen. Cruz: We Must Redouble Our Resolve to Partner With Our Allies, Prevent a Broader Outbreak of Violence

Releases statement on recent radical Islamic terror attacks

WASHINGTON, D.C. –  U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today released the following statement in the wake of radical Islamic terror attacks across the globe:

“Heidi’s and my prayers are with the victims and families impacted by the recent, vicious rash of attacks in Jordan, Turkey, and Germany. They are a grim reminder that ISIS, al Qaeda, and other radical Islamic terrorist groups are not confined to the so-called caliphate in Syria and Iraq. Both by infiltrating the streams of refugees pouring into Europe and through an aggressive campaign of online radicalization, terrorists have been seeded throughout the west, waiting for the signal to strike. These are not lone wolves with mysterious personal motivations for their attacks--they are a coordinated pack attempting to undermine our civilization, which is by its nature anathema to their jihad.  We must redouble our resolve to partner closely with our allies to prevent a broader outbreak of violence that might very well hit us here at home.”  


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