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Sen. Cruz: We Need A Strategy

We should be using our overwhelming US airpower to dismantle and destroy ISIS

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, today released the following statement regarding the President's interview that aired this morning:  

Today, the President once again failed to propose any serious action against ISIS, telling the American people that we must wait several more days for the revelation of his "game plan." One thing he did indicate, however, is that he would not be requesting Congressional authorization for ongoing military operations in Iraq or Syria. This is unacceptable. If the threat posed by ISIS is not acute, which would be indicated by the President's long deliberation, Congress must play a key role in the debate. But if the threat is imminent, we need more urgency and seriousness out of our Commander-in-Chief.

We know the threat of ISIS has been concerning for the intelligence community for more than a year, and has been in the headlines since they made their ferocious assault on northern Iraq in June.  Inexplicably, President Obama has not during these weeks and months developed any coherent strategy to counter these terrorists who have declared their intent to attack us and our allies, and have brutally executed two of our citizens while systematically purging ethnic minorities, including Christians, in the region.

We do not need another vague speech; we need a strategy. The President did not have one last year, or last week, and he still does not have one now.

We should be using our overwhelming US airpower to dismantle and destroy ISIS.

President Obama should make the case to the American people and seek authorization from Congress. Formal congressional authorization is required by the Constitution and would force the President to commit to a clearly defined strategy to protect our national security.  And it would unite the Congress in the mission to protect America and eradicate ISIS.


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