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Sen. Cruz: Without Life, There is No Liberty

Praises March for Life 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today released the following statement in recognition of the 2018 March for Life, where millions of Americans gather in Washington, D.C. and across the country to rally support for pro-life policies at all levels of government, and defend the unborn: 

“As we celebrate the precious gift of every life, we also pause to mourn, and honor those lives lost to the scourge of abortion in the 45 years since Roe v. Wade was decided,” Sen. Cruz said. “Each life is a gift from God, and without life, there is no liberty. Today, hundreds of thousands of Americans have come to march in D.C., and millions more are gathering in cities all across the country, defending the fundamental right to life. I want to thank all those who offer hope by speaking the truth in love about abortion, because love saves lives. I stand with you, and am committed to restoring a culture of life in America.”
