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Sen. Cruz: Xavier Becerra is Woefully Unqualified to Serve as HHS Secretary

Votes against Biden’s radical HHS Secretary nominee

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today issued the following statement after voting against President Biden's nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), Xavier Becerra:

"Our country faces enormous challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Department of Health and Human Services is charged with leading our country through this public health challenge. That's why it's so dismaying President Biden nominated Xavier Becerra - a Left-wing trial lawyer whose only experience with healthcare is suing the Little Sisters of the Poor.

"Becerra is woefully unqualified to serve as Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services and that is why I voted against his confirmation. I'll continue to work with my colleagues in the Senate on commonsense solutions to reopen our economy, get Americans safely back to work and school, and defeat this pandemic."

WATCH: Cruz on the Senate Floor: Left-Wing Trial Lawyer Becerra is Woefully Unqualified to Serve at HHS

READ: Sen. Cruz for The Daily Caller: Biden Picks Trial Lawyer, Not A Doctor, To Lead U.S. Pandemic Response

READ: Sen. Cruz Sends Letter To Colleagues Opposing President Biden's HHS Pick
