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Sen. Ted Cruz Releases “No Net Tax” Video

Urges Opposition to the Internet Sales Tax

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has released a web video titled "No Net Tax" explaining the importance of opposing the Internet Sales Tax, misleadingly-titled the “Marketplace Fairness Act.” The U.S. Senate is expected to vote on the measure today.

The video may be viewed below:

Sen. Cruz also penned an op-ed explaining his oppostion in detail that ran in RealClearPolitics on Sunday:

"The Internet has been a haven for entrepreneurial growth. We should protect and cherish the freedom of the Internet, and Congress should not pass a massive new Internet sales tax,” Sen. Cruz said after the cloture vote on the bill last week. "The Democratic leadership should not be doing the bidding of major corporate lobbyists, at the expense of mom-and-pop retailers across America. Forcing small Internet retailers to comply with the taxing authority of over 9,600 jurisdictions nationwide would kill jobs and stifle economic growth. There's no reason for the Senate to pass this flawed bill – skipping the committee process and rushing the bill forward to stifle debate."

The senator also previously signed a bipartisan letter with six other senators explaining concerns with the legislation, particularly that it bypassed the regular committee process and undermines Commerce Clause. The letter may be viewed here:


This week the Senate will vote on the Internet sales tax

Which will force businesses across the country

To collect taxes for 9600+ jurisdictions and politicians like:

Rahm Emanuel
Mayor of Chicago

Andrew Cuomo
Governor of New York

Jerry Brown
Governor of California

Michael Bloomberg
Mayor of New York City

Even if they don't represent you...

You'll collect their taxes!

Speak out:


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