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Sens. Cruz, Cornyn on Senate Confirmation of Jeremy Kernodle as U.S. District Judge in Tyler

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and John Cornyn (R-Texas) today released the following statements after the Senate approved the nomination of Jeremy Kernodle to fill a judicial vacancy on the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas in Tyler:

"I was proud to recommend Jeremy Kernodle to President Trump to be a U.S. District Court judge for the Eastern District of Texas,” Sen. Cruz said. “I am glad the Senate voted today to confirm Jeremy and I am confident he will serve the people of East Texas well as a principled judge on the federal bench." 

“Jeremy Kernodle is a top litigator and will bring a tremendous record of experience and professionalism to the Eastern District of Texas,” said Sen. Cornyn. “I thank my colleagues for their support of his confirmation, and I look forward to getting him seated on the Court as quickly as possible.”

The Senators recommended this nominee to President Trump following an extensive review and interview process of the candidate pool by the bipartisan Federal Judicial Evaluation Committee (FJEC).  Sens. Cruz and Cornyn established the FJEC, a bipartisan panel of leading attorneys in Texas, to help identify the most qualified candidates to fill judicial vacancies. The panel reviewed applications, interviewed candidates, and made recommendations to the Senators, who interviewed individuals before making their recommendations to the President.
