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Sens. Cruz, Cornyn, Reps. Hurd, Cuellar, Smith Push San Antonio for New NAFTA Signing Ceremony

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), John Cornyn (R-Texas) and Reps. Will Hurd (R-Texas), Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), and Lamar Smith (R-Texas) today sent a letter to U.S. Trade Representative Ambassador Robert Lighthizer urging him to consider San Antonio as the location for the signing ceremony for the updated North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), now called the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).

“Given the prominent role that the City of San Antonio played in the enactment into force of the original agreement, it is our understanding that the City would be honored to host a signing of the new pact, as was done over two decades ago with the original NAFTA,” they wrote. “It is our hope that you will consider affirming USMCA in the same state where the trade relationship was officially brought into existence.” 

The full text of the letter may be viewed here and below: 

October 12, 2018

The Honorable Robert Lighthizer
United States Trade Representative
600 17th Street NW
Washington, DC 20230

Dear Ambassador Lighthizer: 

We write you to commend you for your tireless efforts that have resulted in an updated and modernized North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), now known as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). The original NAFTA agreement, which was signed in San Antonio, Texas, in 1992, is a point of pride for many Texans. 

For more than two decades, NAFTA has brought about a deeper cultural and economic integration between our nations and will benefit millions of workers across the continent. U.S. trade with Canada and Mexico has risen to $1.3 trillion annually, supporting 14 million American jobs, including more than two million manufacturing jobs.

Among those Americans who will benefit most from these continued economic ties are my fellow Texans. U.S. agricultural exports to both Canada and Mexico have quadrupled under NAFTA, from $8.9 billion in 1993 to $38.1 billion in 2016. This has stimulated economic growth all over America, including in San Antonio, due to its proximity to the border. 

Given the prominent role that the City of San Antonio played in the enactment into force of the original agreement, it is our understanding that the City would be honored to host a signing of the new pact, as was done over two decades ago with the original NAFTA. It is our hope that you will consider affirming USMCA in the same state where the trade relationship was officially brought into existence.

Again, we congratulate you on the historic diplomatic efforts undertaken to renew this trilateral trade agreement, and we will continue to support your efforts to facilitate an open economic exchange in the mutual interests of our nations.




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