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Sens. Cruz, Gardner, Daines Op-Ed on ‘NAFTA was written in the age of floppy disks; it's time for an update’

‘We need a new consensus on trade that incorporates both new rules that will enhance U.S. competitiveness abroad and structural reforms that focus on strengthening U.S. competitiveness from within’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) and Steve Daines (R-Mont.) today penned the following op-ed for regarding their letter to President Trump urging him to direct his trade negotiators to take a much broader view of the economic potential of NAFTA negotiations, and advance the Republican economic growth agenda by prioritizing American jobs and competitiveness.

Read the op-ed in its entirety here. Excerpts are available below:

Utilize NAFTA Renegotiation to Enhance U.S. Competitiveness, Avoid Partisan Filibuster
April 12, 2018
By: Sens. Ted Cruz, Cory Gardner, Steve Daines

When did the United States of America start thinking small on trade?

Our nation was discovered, explored and built by bold thinkers and pioneers in search of new frontiers and prosperity. They forged into the unknown and risked life and limb to carve new trade routes and paths to economic greatness. This indomitable desire to expand trade between the new and old worlds led to the first maps of the American frontier and ultimately defined the borders of the United States. 

Today, as we struggle to navigate the future of American trade policy, we cannot allow ourselves to abandon our pioneering spirit. Yet, sadly, the United States has not been able to finalize and implement a major regional trade agreement in nearly a decade. The NAFTA renegotiation has not yet succeeded, and we currently sit on the sidelines as the European Union and China strike deal after deal that disadvantage US businesses and jobs. 


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