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Sens. Cruz, Wicker Call on ICAO to End Exclusion Of Taiwan

“To maintain its status as a credible multilateral organization, we request that the ICAO allow Taiwan to meaningfully participate during this year’s assembly”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and U.S. Senator Roger Wicker tonight sent a letter to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) about their exclusion of the Taiwanese from meaningful participation in their tri-annual Assembly.

In the letter, the Senators wrote:

“It is simply not tenable that the organization continue to pursue that mission while excluding Taiwan, one of the world’s largest aviation systems. Aviation safety and global standards for safe and efficient aviation operations have no loyalty or political affiliation.

“Next year Congress will take up, examine, and as needed revise the full range of our national policies related to aviation through the legislative reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration. To maintain its status as a credible multilateral organization, we request that the ICAO allow Taiwan to meaningfully participate during this year’s assembly.”

This follows a previous letter Sen. Cruz sent in February 2020 to ICAO as they attempted to exclude Taiwan from their international response to the coronavirus. 

Read the letter here
