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Statement on Possible Republican Filibuster of Continuing Resolution

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) spokesman Sean Rushton issued the following statement regarding a possible Senate Republican filibuster of the continuing resolution next week:

"Our goal is to protect the bill passed by a bipartisan majority of the U.S. House, which will defund Obamacare while fully funding government. Anticipating the likelihood that Senator Reid will strip the crucial defunding language, it may be necessary to oppose cloture to block him from changing the bill. We'll use any procedural means necessary to protect the House bill and keep debate open, standing guard against any attempt to reduce this opportunity to another show vote. Americans want Congress to pass a bill that funds government but defunds Obamacare, and the House worked hard to pass one. Senator Reid must not be allowed to add Obamacare funding back into the House-passed bill."


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