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The News with Sen. Cruz - April 30, 2013


Last week, I attended a memorial service for those lost in the tragic explosion in West, Texas. The outpouring of support for the community has been extremely encouraging, but they still need your help. Click here to see what you can do.

As we enter this week's recess for state work, I look forward to the opportunity to meet with many of you to hear how we can better champion growth and opportunity, get our fiscal house in order, and address the many challenges facing our nation. 

Before the Senate adjourned for the recess, it moved to advance a job-killing measure to tax Internet purchases, and the Senate Judiciary Committee held hearings on the Gang of Eight's immigration bill. Please keep reading for more and share this newsletter with your Facebook friends and Twitter followers.

All the best,

TC Sig
Ted Cruz


On Thursday, the Senate voted to proceed to the Internet sales tax bill. Unfortunately, the Senate Majority Leader scheduled the vote while Sen. Cruz was in Texas attending the memorial service for the West explosion. Had Sen. Cruz been present, he would have emphatically voted against this legislation because he believes the Internet should remain a haven for entrepreneurial growth. We should protect and cherish the freedom of the Internet -- not pass a massive new Internet sales tax that would impose billions of dollars of new taxes on America's small businesses.

In addition to being bad policy, Sen. Cruz also opposes the way this legislation has been pushed through the Senate -- skipping the committee process in an attempt to stifle debate. That is why Sen. Cruz joined a bipartisan coalition of senators urging Sen. Harry Reid to allow for a thorough vetting of the bill through regular order.


On Tuesday, Sen. Cruz questioned Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano about the border security measures included in the Gang of Eight's immigration bill. Sen. Cruz asked, "If there are no objective metrics, if it is simply the subjective assessment of a host of factors, how can we have any confidence that the border will be secured and that any trigger will be meaningful?"

Judiciary Committee

Secretary Napolitano failed to provide specific, measureable ways DHS would verify border security if the immigration bill was made law and millions of illegal immigrants were given legal status. Sen. Cruz believes that we must have a clear definition of what metrics must be reached in order for the border to be secure. He wasn't satisfied with the answers provided at the hearing, and it still remains unclear how the provision in the bill will help achieve a secure border -- a goal that should receive bipartisan support.


Freedom Minute

In his "Freedom Minute" segment this week, Sen. Cruz reflected on the tragedies in Boston and West, and the tremendous display of resiliency and the American Spirit in both communities. Listen to the "Freedom Minute" here and then share it with your friends.


CBS Profile

On Wednesday, CBS News ran a profile piece on Sen. Cruz and his fight to champion liberty and the Constitution in the Senate. Watch and share the video.