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The News with Sen. Cruz - August 6, 2013


Last week marked the one-year anniversary of my victory in the Texas Republican Primary for the United States Senate. That victory was made possible because a grassroots army of thousands of activists across Texas saw that the country was in trouble and stepped forward to fix it. Because of that amazing effort, I'm honored to fight for 26 million Texans each and every day in the Senate.

Now we need to do it again -- but this time on a national scale. This September, Congress will have the opportunity to defund Obamacare, but it will only happen if the American people rise up and demand it. Please keep reading below to find out how we can stop Obamacare and for an update on the latest in Washington -- then share this latest newsletter with your Facebook friends and Twitter followers.

All the best,

TC Sig
Ted Cruz


Why we must defund Obamacare

Last Tuesday, Sen. Cruz joined Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) for a discussion on the Senate floor to explain why it is so important to defund Obamacare. Sen. Cruz inquired as to why the President is willing to give a waiver to giant corporations, but not hardworking American families. He argued that our top priority should be bringing economic growth back to America -- and that nothing is killing more jobs or the American economy more than Obamacare. Watch and share the discussion.


How to Defund Obamacare

On Thursday, Sen. Cruz joined the Tea Party Patriots to lay out a strategy to completely defund Obamacare. Take a moment to watch the video to learn how Obamacare can be stopped and then share the video with your friends.


Last week, the U.S. Senate voted to confirm Samantha Power to be Ambassador to the United Nations. Sen. Cruz voted against her confirmation saying, "My opposition to her nomination comes down to one word: sovereignty. I have seen firsthand how treaties and conventions negotiated at the United Nations and elsewhere can have unintended consequences for the United States. I represented Texas before the U.S. Supreme Court in successfully arguing that no President has the authority to force a state to comply with an order from the United Nations and the International Court of Justice."

In 2003, Power wrote that "giving up a pinch of sovereignty" to organizations such as the UN is good for the United States and our security. Sen. Cruz disagrees, noting, "There is no higher national security principle than defending American sovereignty, especially at the United Nations, where it has been demonstrated time and time again that when it comes to authority over the United States, when you give the UN a pinch, they will take a mile."


Sen. Cruz’s offices in Austin, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, and Washington, D.C., are looking for interns for the fall semester. The internship program offers Texas students a unique opportunity to experience the inner workings of Congress. At the end of their session, interns will have had the opportunity to see how a Senate office works and better understand the United States government. Priority is given to students either from Texas or students enrolled in a Texas school who have completed at least their sophomore year of college. This is a highly competitive process -- due to the limited amount of space and resources available, there are usually more qualified applicants than positions available. More information is available here. To apply, please email the following information to

1. A cover letter detailing why you would like to be an intern in Sen. Cruz’s office
2. A one-page resume
3. Three letters of recommendation
4. A college transcript
5. A one to two page college writing sample
6. Note at which office you are applying to intern

Completed packets for fall internships must be received NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, AUGUST 9.

Any questions regarding internships in Sen. Cruz’s office may be emailed to or you may call Jon McClellan at 512-916-5834.


Freedom Minute

This September, Congress will have an opportunity to defund Obamacare, which is killing jobs and hurting our health care system. In this week's "Freedom Minute" segment, Sen. Cruz notes that the only way Obamacare can be defeated is if a nationwide grassroots army rises up and demands it. Listen to the "Freedom Minute" and then share it with your friends.