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The News with Sen. Cruz - December 6, 2013

As we count our blessings this holiday season, let us also say a prayer of thanks for all the men and women at Pearl Harbor who sacrificed their lives for our freedom on that fateful December 7th, 1941.

It is a privilege to live in a nation that has revered liberty since its inception, and I am thankful to all who protect it.

I hope you keep reading for an update on what’s happening in Washington and my visit throughout the Lone Star state.

All the best,

TC Sig
Ted Cruz

Mandela Will Live In History for Defenders of Liberty

Sen. Cruz honored former South African President Nelson Mandela's passing and expressed gratitude for his many years of service:

"Nelson Mandela will live in history as an inspiration for defenders of liberty around the globe. He stood firm for decades on the principle that until all South Africans enjoyed equal liberties he would not leave prison himself, declaring in his autobiography, 'Freedom is indivisible; the chains on any one of my people were the chains on all of them, the chains on all of my people were the chains on me.' Because of his epic fight against injustice, an entire nation is now free.

"We mourn his loss and offer our condolences to his family and the people of South Africa."

Cornyn, Cruz Submit Amicus Brief in Texas Religious Liberty Case

This week U.S. Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz submitted a joint amicus brief to the Ninth Court of Appeals in Texas in Kountze Independent School District v. Cotti Matthews. The case concerns whether school officials can restrict the religious content of banners displayed by cheerleaders at school sporting events.

"Through the First Amendment, our Founding Fathers sought to ensure that all Americans would enjoy the freedom to express their religious beliefs," Cornyn said. "I'm proud to fight for Texans to protect these important rights."

"The First Amendment protects the religious liberty of every American," Cruz said. "I'm proud to side with the cheerleaders standing up for free expression of religion and the Bill of Rights."

Statement on Iranian Prisoner Abedini

On Thursday, Senator Ted Cruz released a statement expressing concern over the Obama Administration’s failure to mention Pastor Saeed Abedini in recent negotiations.

"It is unconscionable that senior American diplomats, including the Secretary of State, who were conducting cordial negotiations with their Iranian counterparts in Geneva in the days after Pastor Saeed’s transfer, could not bring themselves to even mention his name, or those of fellow Americans detained in Iran, Amir Hekmati and Robert Levinson. We are informed by administration officials that the issue of the American prisoners is 'on the margins' of more important diplomatic work, and that in any event, President Obama mentioned Abedini and Hekmati to Iranian President Hasan Rouhani when they spoke by telephone in September.

"The President’s action should not have been an end unto itself but rather the first step in a sustained effort to get these men home. Their unconditional release should be central, not peripheral, to any further agreement with Iran.”

Cruz visits Fort Hood, Odessa, Killeen, and Friendswood in Texas


On Monday, Senator Cruz attended the Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery to pay tribute to the men and women from Fort Hood who gave their lives serving our country in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Senator Cruz is encouraged by the continual courageous and entrepreneurial spirit of Texans.

On Tuesday, Senator Cruz met with local leaders in Killeen and Odessa. He praised their hard work: "I love West Texas. I've spent a lot of time in West Texas and the reason I love West Texas and the Permian Basin, I think this is the most entrepreneurial place on the face of the planet," Senator Cruz said.


On Wednesday, Senator Cruz attended a roundtable with civic and business leaders in Friendswood. “The message you hear in Galveston County is the same as the message I’m hearing all over the state,” Senator Cruz said, “which is that the top priority for Texas is restoring economic growth and jobs.”

Texas continues to be a beacon of economic opportunity, and Senator Cruz is committed to doing everything he can to repeal Obamacare and restore job opportunities in Texas and in all the states.