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The News with Sen. Cruz - February 20, 2015

Texas is leading the way in stopping President Obama’s illegal amnesty. This week, a Texas court ruled against President Obama’s illegal amnesty and halted its implementation.

Now it’s time for the Senate to pass the Department of Homeland Security’s funding bill that also ends funding for amnesty.

Keep Texas strong,

TC Sig
Ted Cruz

Sen. Cruz Joins Texas Leaders Fighting Against President Obama’s Amnesty

On Wednesday, Sen. Cruz joined Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and Attorney General Ken Paxton for a press conference to present a united front among Texas leaders against the President's illegal executive amnesty.

Texas Press Conference
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“This victory this week, the decision from the federal court was a major victory for the rule of law. All of us have reason to be proud that Texas led the way, standing up to President Obama's illegal and unconstitutional executive amnesty. All of us have reason to be proud that our Governor Greg Abbott, and our Attorney General Ken Paxton, led the way, standing up and fighting against lawlessness.”

Read the Senator’s full remarks here.

Sen. Cruz Praises Texas Court Ruling Blocking Obama’s Amnesty

On Tuesday, Sen. Cruz released the following statement regarding a Texas court injunction to temporarily block President Obama's executive action on amnesty:

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“The Texas court decision reached last night is a major turning point in the fight to stop Obama's lawless amnesty,” said Sen. Cruz. “Gov. Abbott and Attorney General Paxton are leading a coalition of 26 states to block the illegal executive actions and to protect our states, cities, and communities. This is a major victory for the rule of law; the District Court's ruling states that President Obama must now stop implementing these policies in 'any and all aspects.' Last summer we saw a humanitarian crisis on our southern border that was a direct consequence of Obama's previous amnesty. Republicans are now standing together to try to ensure that it never happens again.

“The Senate Democrats who are filibustering Department of Homeland Security funding should look hard at this ruling. At a time when we face grave national security threats, at home and abroad, it is the height of irresponsibility for the Democrats to block this funding in an extreme attempt to save Obama's amnesty, which a federal judge has just declared illegal.”

Sen. Cruz Reacts to Obama’s Net Neutrality Proposal, Releases Video

Last week, Sen. Cruz spoke at the #RebootCongress conference organized by Lincoln Labs at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. There, Sen. Cruz spoke about the need to protect constitutional rights online, how raising taxes on the Internet would hurt small businesses, and warned about the dangers of the FCC’s net neutrality plan that would reclassify the Internet as a public utility under Title II of the Communications Act of 1934.

Reboot Congress
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“The FCC has now rolled out its initial plan, it’s 332 pages” Sen. Cruz said. “Although when I say rolled out, that word has to be used lightly, because you and I are not allowed to read those 332 pages. They literally have a book, this is how we are going to regulate the internet, and by the way, no one gets to read it. One FCC commissioner held up the book and said ‘I guess you got to pass it to find out what’s in it,’ echoing Nancy Pelosi.”

He continued, “If the FCC turns the Internet into a regulated public utility, the innovation, the creativity that has characterized the Internet from its dawn, will inevitably be stifled.”

“Which has greater innovation, the United States Post Office or Facebook and Twitter? Which has greater innovation, taxi commissions in local cities or Lyft and Uber,” Sen. Cruz asked. “Every time you put unelected bureaucrats in charge of a market, they stifle innovation and what they also do is they favor the big boys. If you think for a minute that the FCC is going to listen to small start-ups, then you’re ignoring the history of every other instance of regulation. What has made the Internet so incredibly successful has been the freedom, and so I would encourage each of you, do not accept the promise of Washington politicians who are telling all of us, ‘if you like your Internet, you can keep your Internet.’ That promise cannot be trusted, and I hope that we all stand together defending freedom on the Internet in every respect.”

Read the full release and watch his full remarks here.

Sen. Cruz also released a video that parodies the impact of President Obama’s proposal to classify the Internet as a public utility.

Internet Announcement
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Sen. Cruz Calls on President Obama to Speak the Truth about the Face of Evil

On Wednesday, Sen. Cruz spoke with Megyn Kelly on Fox News regarding the threat of radical Islamic terrorism.

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“ISIS is the face of evil and these latest atrocities, our heart breaks and to see 21 Coptic Christians murdered, beheaded by radical Islamic terrorists to see 45 people lit on fire, this is horrific and it is deliberate and it is targeted. It is targeted at Christians, it is targeted at Jews, its targeted Muslims in the region who do not accede to the radical Islamist view and unfortunately the President and this administration dogmatically refuses to utter the words radical Islamic terrorism. You cannot defeat an enemy if you refuse to acknowledge what it is,” said Sen. Cruz.

He continued, “This is a President and administration that has turned a hard heart to the persecution and suffering of Christians abroad, to the persecution and suffering of Jews abroad, you know you look at the at the Christians, where's the President speaking up loudly and consistently for Pastor Saeed Abedini, an American imprisoned in Iran in prison for professing his Christian faith. When Meriam Ibrahim was in Sudan sentenced to 100 lashes and to hang by the neck until dead for her Christian faith, the President would not speak up. And you know just a couple weeks ago the President made reference to the horrific terrorist attack in Paris where radical Islamists went into a kosher deli and the President said it was a ‘random act of violence,’ nothing random about it these were radical Islamists going to a kosher deli to target people because they were Jews and to murder them because of their Jewish faith and this bizarre politically correct doublespeak, it is simply not befitting a commander in chief whose first obligation should be to protect the United States of America.”