July 17, 2015
The Supreme Court’s recent decision requiring a nationwide redefinition of marriage is deeply concerning for religious liberty in Texas and across America. This week I sent a letter to IRS Commissioner Koskinen asking him to remain vigilant in ensuring the Court’s decision does not discriminate against institutions that affirm marriage as the union of husband and wife.
I remain resolved that Americans should not be targeted because of their faith, and will work tirelessly to protect Americans’ religious liberty.
Please keep reading for an update on the latest in the Senate.
Keep Texas strong,
 Ted Cruz
Sen. Cruz: IRS Must Respect Americans’ Religious Liberty
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) on Thursday sent a letter to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen asking him to confirm that his agency will respect America’s longstanding principle of religious liberty in light of the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Obergefell v. Hodges requiring a nationwide redefinition of marriage. As Chief Justice John Roberts noted in his dissent to the decision, the majority’s ruling “creates serious questions about religious liberty.”
“All Americans have the right to live and work in accordance with their religious beliefs,” said Sen. Cruz. “The IRS proved itself all too willing to target Americans for their political beliefs. Today, Commissioner Koskinen has the opportunity to provide what should be a simple yes or no answer that his agency will not penalize individuals or groups simply for living by the tenets of their faith.”
Read the full release here.
Sen. Cruz: We Still Have an Opportunity to Tell the Truth About Today's 'Mistake of Historic Proportion'
On Tuesday, Sen. Cruz released a statement addressing the nuclear deal negotiated with Iran, insisting that Congress must stop any deal that puts Iran on a path toward a nuclear bomb.
“Today, the international community led by the United States has agreed to not only legitimize and perpetuate the Iranian nuclear program, but also to further arm and enrich the brutal theocratic regime that has oppressed the Iranian people for more than thirty years - a regime that is wrongfully holding United States citizens captive, that is sponsoring radical Islamic terrorism across the globe, and that regularly promotes the destruction of both Israel and America throughout its streets,” Sen. Cruz said.
“…Congress will have 60 days to review it, and the American people will have 60 days to tell their elected representatives just what they think of it. I urge all my fellow citizens to speak out and let their elected leaders know that even if President Obama won't see it, we know the leaders of the Islamic Republic who lead crowds in chants of ‘Death to America' and ‘Death to Israel' are not our partners in peace, and must not be put on the path to a nuclear bomb.”
Read the full statement here
Sen. Cruz: Congress Should Investigate and Defund Planned Parenthood
Sen. Cruz released a statement on Tuesday regarding reports that Planned Parenthood is selling body parts of aborted babies.
“There is no place for taxpayer funding of organizations that profit from taking away innocent life, much less profiting off the bodies of the lives they have stolen. Congress should immediately begin an investigation of Planned Parenthood's activities regarding the sale and transfer of aborted body parts, including who is obtaining them and what they are being used for,” Sen. Cruz said. “And it should renew efforts to fully defund Planned Parenthood to ensure that its morally bankrupt business receives not one penny of taxpayer money.”
Read the full statement here.
Sen. Cruz Votes Against Education Bill that Maintains Federal Mandates
On Thursday, Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) voted against S. 1177, "Every Child Achieves Act," which maintains federal mandates on education and keeps decision-making in Washington rather than returning it to local governments and parents.
“While this bill makes some improvements to the status quo, it ultimately falls short of empowering parents and local school districts,” Sen. Cruz said. “To that end, it is a missed opportunity for meaningful change.
“Decisions regarding our children's future should be placed in the hands of those closest to students, and that is teachers and parents. This is why I introduced an amendment to give states the flexibility to develop their own accountability standards, rather than meeting criteria outlined by federal bureaucrats in the Washington cartel. This type of federal control has led to the failed, top-down policies that produced Common Core. We also had the opportunity today to significantly advance school choice for low-income students, giving them a chance to succeed at a public or private school of their choosing. Unfortunately, my colleagues in the Senate rejected these amendments, perpetuating the same tired approach that continues to fail our children.”
Read the full release here.
Sen. Cruz to Senate and House Leadership: End Ex-Im’s Corporate Welfare Program Forever
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Sen. Cruz hosted a press conference with conservative leaders on Wednesday, urging U.S. Senate and House leadership to keep the Export-Import Bank expired.
“On June 30, Congress finally, finally, finally decided to let a wasteful spending program expire,” Sen. Cruz said. “After 81 years, Congress decided to end one of the worst examples of corporate welfare: Washington could stop sending taxpayer monies to benefit wealthy contributors. And so, after 81 long years, the Export-Import Bank has expired…"The Export-Import Bank is a classic example of cronyism. It is a classic example of corporate welfare. The Export-Import Bank puts taxpayers on the hook for hundreds of billions of dollars in loans that go to foreign countries, loans that go to foreign corporations.
“If John Boehner and Mitch McConnell stand up and say ‘we will simply do nothing'…that will ensure this corporate welfare program goes away for good.”
Read the full release here. You can also read additional coverage of the press conference here.
Sen. Cruz Declares Intention to Hold Authorization and Block Nominees for State Department
On Thursday, Sen. Cruz sent a letter asserting the imperative of Congressional approval for any Iran deal before United Nations action.
“Nowhere does the Annex [of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)] mention the United States Congress or recognize mandatory Congressional review under the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015,” wrote Sen. Cruz. “By virtue of the Congressional review mechanism you agreed to, implementation of a deal cannot go into effect until Congress receives all necessary documentation, evaluates the deal, and renders a judgment.”
Read the full release here.
Sen. Cruz: American Ingenuity Can Fuel a Revolution in Finding Cures and Opening Medical Breakthroughs
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On Tuesday, Sen. Cruz chaired a hearing entitled, “Unlocking Cures for America’s Most Deadly Diseases,” in the Subcommittee on Space Science and Competitiveness. The conversation focused on how bold and aggressive reforms that transform the FDA from a risk-averse gatekeeper to a cooperative collaborator with physicians and academics around the country will ultimately cure diseases and in some cases prevent them altogether.
“Right now, our nation collectively spends trillions of dollars in treatments and still million Americans continue to suffer,” Sen. Cruz said at the hearing. “If we devote more resources and time on the front end to incentivize a cure, this could lead to revolutionary impacts for future generations. I think this hearing underscored exactly that potential.”
Read the full release here.
A Regional Update from Central Texas Regional Director Kenneth Depew

Over the last few weeks I have had the pleasure of spending quite a bit of time at one of Central Texas’ gems: Fort Hood.
It was a pleasure to represent Sen. Cruz at Brigadier General Viet Luong’s farewell dinner on July 1. His replacement, Brigadier General Mark Schwartz, was welcomed on Tuesday, July 7. Colonel J.P. McGee was also welcomed to Fort Hood at the same ceremony. There have been a few comings and goings at Fort Hood, including the Garrison Commander.
It has been a pleasure to represent Sen. Cruz and spend so much time at “The Great Place.”