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The News with Sen. Cruz - July 9, 2013


I hope you had a restful and reverent Independence Day with your friends and family. The Fourth of July is the quintessential American holiday and provides the perfect opportunity to reflect back on the revolutionary ideas of freedom and unlimited opportunity that inspired our Founding Fathers to break away from England and embark on an improbable journey. As a result, we are truly blessed to live in the most free and exceptional nation in human history.

During last week's state work period, in addition to celebrating the birth of our nation, I had the chance to meet with Texans who were impacted by IRS targeting and speak on the importance of faith and freedom in our nation's history. Last week also marked the six-month anniversary since I took the oath of office and began the extraordinary job of fighting for the Great State of Texas in the United States Senate. I hope you'll keep reading below for more and share this latest newsletter on Facebook and Twitter.

All the best,

TC Sig
Ted Cruz


Independence Day

Last week, Sen. Cruz commemorated the 237th birthday of our great nation with a video. Sen. Cruz explained that our Founding Fathers undertook this risky endeavor because they were motivated by principle, by faith in providence, and by the desire for freedom. And together they created the greatest country on earth. Watch the video message and take a few minutes to re-read the inspirational words of the Declaration of Independence here.


Abolish the IRS

Last Monday, Sen. Cruz joined community leaders across Texas who have been impacted by IRS targeting to call for fundamental tax reform in order to put an end to its abuses. Sen. Cruz reiterated his call to abolish the IRS saying, "After these revelations of political targeting by the IRS, we need to padlock and shut down the building, abolish the IRS, and move to a flat tax or the FAIR Tax."

Sen. Cruz also urged all Texans and Americans who believe they may have been targeted by the IRS to email so that instances of abuse may be properly investigated.


First Baptist Dallas

During last week's state work period, Sen. Cruz joined the congregation of First Baptist Dallas to stress the importance of Faith and Freedom in our nation. For thousands of years, people had been told that all power emanated from monarchs, and that our rights were given by whim from kings and queens who could then take them away on that same whim. And the founders of our nation turned that idea upside-down.

In 1776, our Declaration of Independence was signed based on the simple premise that, "We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal" -- endowed not by kings, not by queens, not even by a president -- "endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Sen. Cruz noted that it is this incredible legacy that gives us the ability to worship free of government interference and gives us the essential religious liberty we must continue to defend. Watch and share the video with your friends.


In his most recent "Freedom Minute" segment, Sen. Cruz commented on the explosion of federal regulations that are hammering our economy and preventing entrepreneurs and small businesses from expanding and hiring new workers. He noted that we could do better with a lot less burdensome regulation. Listen to the "Freedom Minute" here and then share it with your friends.