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The News with Sen. Cruz - March 18, 2013


The Senate held important votes last week on defunding Obamacare and the Second Amendment I’d like you to know about. If you have a moment, please read and share the latest news with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. As always, it’s an honor to represent you and the Great State of Texas.

All the best,
TC Sig
Ted Cruz


All 45 Senate Republicans presented a united front and voted unanimously in favor of Sen. Cruz’s amendment to defund Obamacare in the upcoming Continuing Resolution. Unfortunately, the amendment was defeated on a party-line vote; all Senate Democrats voted against it. While it’s disappointing the amendment did not pass, Sen. Cruz is proud that all Senate Republicans recognized the threat Obamacare poses to our still-struggling economy and came together to force this matter for a vote in the U.S. Senate.

Shortly before the vote, Sen. Cruz delivered his first major speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate, highlighting many of the promises Obamacare has already broken. Please take a moment to watch and share if you can.



Last Thursday, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved legislation to ban assault weapons, limit the size of magazines, and require universal background checks. Sen. Cruz, along with all the other Republicans on the committee, voted against this legislation, which is now headed for the Senate floor.

During the committee meeting, Sen. Cruz raised serious constitutional concerns with Congress infringing our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Here is a video of his remarks



President Obama came to Capitol Hill to meet with Senate Republicans last week. During the meeting, Sen. Cruz opened up a discussion with the President about the best ways to achieve economic growth and create jobs, specifically by enacting meaningful tax reform and regulatory reform.

President Obama said he believed there should be agreement between Republicans and Democrats when it comes to corporate tax reform and also suggested a Senate task force be created to examine regulatory burdens and find ways to make it easier for businesses to thrive. Sen. Cruz welcomed those suggestions and looks forward to working hard to make progress in the Senate on economic growth.


Sen. Cruz spoke with several major media outlets this week about his amendment to defund Obamacare and reinvigorate the economy. Below are links to two of those interviews.

Sen. Cruz speaking with Fox’s Greta Van Susteren.

Sen. Cruz speaking with CNBC’s Larry Kudlow.

Sen. Cruz also had the honor of delivering the keynote closing address at the 40th annual Conservative Political Action Conference. There, he spoke about the state of the conservative movement and the need to stand up for our constitutional principles. Please watch this short excerpt of his remarks.