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The News with Sen. Cruz - May 7, 2013


One of my favorite things about Senate recess is the opportunity to visit with so many Texans across the Lone Star State. It's important for our job in the Senate to hear your concerns and suggestions on how we can reduce the intrusion of the federal government in the lives of Texans.

This week, I was privileged to address the NRA annual meeting in Houston, meet with small business owners in San Antonio, speak with our service men and women at Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base, as well as help lead the fight against the Internet sales tax. I hope you'll keep reading for the latest as well as share this newsletter with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.

All the best,

TC Sig
Ted Cruz



Unfortunately, the Senate passed the Internet sales tax bill yesterday. Sen. Cruz helped lead the fight in opposition to the bill -- both because it is bad policy and because it was rushed through the Senate without the usual committee markup. Sen. Cruz joined a bipartisan group of Senators protesting the rush of the bill to the Senate floor, opposed the cloture vote, penned an op-ed explaining his opposition, released a web-video opposing the bill, and spoke against the bill on the Senate floor. If the House decides to take up the legislation, Sen. Cruz is hopeful it will be defeated.



On Friday, Sen. Cruz addressed the National Rifle Association's annual meeting in Houston. In his speech, he thanked the efforts of countless Second Amendment supporters across the country who spoke out and helped defeat every bill that threatened the constitutional rights of Americans. He also warned that the fight is not over. President Obama, Vice President Biden, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid have stated that they intend to try again. In response, Sen. Cruz challenged Vice President Biden to an hour long conversation and debate on how to stop violent crime -- without infringing on the liberties of the American public. You can watch and share Sen. Cruz's remarks here.


Visiting Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base

Delivering Southwestern Adventist University Commencement
Address in Keene, Texas

Addressing the Institute for Policy Innovation

San Antonio
Joining a San Antonio Small Business Roundtable