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The News with Sen. Cruz - September 10, 2013


It was truly an honor to speak with many of you over the August recess. Your thoughts, concerns, and ideas will be at the forefront of my mind as the Senate reconvenes this week. Congress will soon make several weighty decisions regarding major domestic and foreign policy matters that will impact our country for years to come.

On that note, I’d like to share with you why I believe a military attack on Syria would be a mistake and update you on the latest in the battle to defund Obamacare. I appreciate you taking the time to read this newsletter and provide me with your critical input on these and so many more issues facing our nation. Thank you again for allowing me to represent you in the United States Senate.

All the best,

TC Sig
Ted Cruz


Over Labor Day weekend, President Obama announced his intent to seek congressional authority to use force against the Assad regime in Syria. On Sunday, Sen. Cruz joined "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" on ABC to make the case against attacking Syria.

In particular the Senator noted that the Obama Administration's attack is not based on defending U.S. national security, but instead on defending amporphous international norms -- which is not the job of the United States military. Sen. Cruz agued that "we ought to be defending U.S. national security and going after radical Islamic terrorists." Please take a moment to watch the discussion and then share it with your friends.

This Week


Defunding and repealing Obamacare remains central to the mission to revitalize our economy. Each day the law kills more jobs and deprives struggling Americans of the opportunity to climb up the economic ladder. Congress will have the chance to defund Obamacare in the upcoming Continuing Resolution and Republicans should unite and insist that the Continuing Resolution, which provides the government with money to operate, does not allocate even a single penny for Obamacare.


Recently Sen. Cruz spoke with Rush Limbaugh to explain what it will take to win the fight to defund Obamacare. Listen to the interview here.


Sen. Cruz also joined the Americans for Prosperity "Defending the American Dream" Summit to stress how important it is that President Obama and Washington “listen to the people” when it comes to our national security, healthcare, tax reform, and economic growth. You can view the Senator's remarks here.


Each day, Sen. Cruz has been releasing a new fact revealing the negative effects Obamacare will have on the economy and your health care quality. Click here to view the facts and share them with your friends.

Fact 26     Fact 25     Fact 24

Fact 23 width=     Fact 22     Fact 21

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