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The News with Sen. Cruz - September 17, 2013


Happy Constitution Day! As we celebrate the adoption of the United States Constitution, it is important to remember that the Founding Fathers didn't intend for the Constitution to empower the federal government without limit, but rather, as Thomas Jefferson so rightly put it, "to serve as chains to bind the mischief of government."

Two hundred twenty-six years later, we continue to fight to ensure the federal government's power is limited and to defend the liberties of all Americans. I hope you'll take a moment to keep reading our latest newsletter below for an update on defending American interests with a robust foreign policy, investigating Benghazi, and the effort to defund Obamacare.

All the best,

TC Sig
Ted Cruz


Heritage Speech

On Wednesday, Sen. Cruz spoke at the Heritage Foundation to outline three simple principles by which American foreign policy should be guided:

  • We should focus directly on protecting national security in the interests of the U.S.
  • We should speak with moral clarity
  • We should always fight to win

The Senator also discussed how these principles should apply to challenges around the world, particularly to the current situation in Syria. In addition, he highlighted the importance of modernizing our military and bolstering our nation’s missile defense. Watch and share Sen. Cruz's remarks with your friends.


Last week, Sen. Cruz introduced a resolution, S.R. 225, to create a joint select committee to investigate the Benghazi terrorist attacks on September 11, 2012. On Wednesday, the Senator requested unanimous consent to introduce and pass the resolution, but Democrats blocked it from consideration.

Sen. Cruz noted that, “On September 11, 2012, four Americans were brutally murdered in a terrorist attack against our embassy in Benghazi, and one year later, there has still been no action of reprisal and no justice rendered upon the assailants. Failure to hold accountable the perpetrators of this vicious attack will leave terrorists around the world with the impression that they can kill Americans and escape the consequences, increasing the likelihood of future attacks. The American people deserve to have a complete account from their government of the events in Benghazi before, during, and after the attack.”

In addition, Sen. Cruz cosponsored legislation, the Honoring the Fort Hood Heroes Act, filed by Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) to rightfully designate the Fort Hood shooting as a terrorist attack. In the aftermath of the shooting, the State Department designated the attack as “workplace violence” because the attack took place on U.S. soil rather than in a designated combat zone. This designation has prevented victims from receiving the same awards and benefits as their deployed counterparts who are wounded or killed in the line of duty. The Honoring the Fort Hood Heroes Act would correct this inequity and provide benefits the Fort Hood victims deserve.



Sen. Cruz is continuing to fight to stop Obamacare, the biggest job killer in America, from doing any more damage to our economy or our health care system. He has called on Republicans in the House of Representatives to pass a continuing resolution that funds government in its entirety -- except Obamacare -- and that explicitly prohibits spending any federal money, mandatory or discretionary, on Obamacare. In addition they should not use any procedural chicanery to enable Harry Reid to circumvent that vote.

Sen. Cruz is urging those who oppose Obamacare not to fund it, and on Thursday evening, he joined Sean Hannity on Fox News to discuss the latest in the effort to defund Obamacare as part of the upcoming Continuing Resolution. Watch and share the video.


Sen. Cruz has continued to release a daily Obamacare fact revealing the negative effects it will have by empowering bureaucracy, harming the economy, and degrading the quality of our nation's health care system. View the facts here and share them with your friends.

Fact 31     Fact 30     Fact 29

Fact 28 width=     Fact 27

Click here to view all the facts