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The News with Sen. Cruz - September 19, 2014

Right now, ISIS poses a grave threat to our freedom and security.

It is a sad reality that President Obama refuses to come to Congress with a clear strategy to destroy ISIS and protect our U.S. security interests. It is my hope that Republicans can convince him to propose a clear plan, consistent with the Constitution, to keep Americans safe, and that it is not laden with impractical contingencies, such as resolving the Syrian civil war, reaching political reconciliation in Iraq or achieving “consensus” in the international community.

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Only Congress has the authority to declare war. While our commander in chief has constitutional authority to respond to an imminent danger, President Obama has not suggested that is the case. He is reportedly planning a mission that could last as long as three years and may require a range of actions. Therefore, congressional authorization is required by the Constitution. Making this formal request would provide the President with an opportunity to present the American people with a clearly defined military objective, tethered to national security, to protect our nation and to unite everyone in the mission to eradicate ISIS.

All the best,

TC Sig
Ted Cruz

Democrats Block Bill to Stop Americans Who Join ISIS from Returning to US

On Thursday, Sen. Cruz asked for unanimous consent on his bill, the Expatriate Terrorist Act of 2014, that would strip Americans who join ISIS of their citizenship. Senator Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, objected.

ETA of 2014
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In his remarks offering the bill, Sen. Cruz discussed the rising threat of ISIS, his concerns with President Obama’s plans to arm the Free Syrian Army, and the support then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton once gave to legislation, introduced in 2010 by former Senators Joe Lieberman and Scott Brown, that closely mirrors the ETA of 2014. Here are some highlights:

“The administration’s ISIS policy is also marked by internal confusion that further demonstrates a lack of focus on what should be our clear mission.”

“The American people need and deserve greater clarity on what exactly our military mission is, and how what the President envisions relates to the advice his Department of Defense is giving him.

“The disconnect between what we know and what we do not know about the Americans fighting for ISIS in Iraq and Syria is equally concerning. Estimates range from ‘about a dozen’ according to one Pentagon spokesman, to Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel’s reassertion of about a hundred Americans fighting with ISIS in this week’s Armed Services Committee hearing.

“Either way, Secretary Hagel agreed with my characterization of the risks posed that Americans will take U.S. passports, after fighting with ISIS, after training with ISIS, to come back And commit unspeakable acts of terror here at home. Secretary Hagel agreed that risk was significant.

“It seems only prudent to address this threat, and I am therefore going to be asking for unanimous consent for the Expatriate Terrorist Act or ETA of 2014, which will make fighting for ISIS, taking up arms against the United States, an affirmative renunciation of American citizenship.”

Sen. Cruz Opposes Continuing Resolution

On Thursday, Sen. Cruz opposed the Senate’s Continuing Appropriations Resolution for Fiscal Year 2015.

“I cannot vote to empower our lawless president to continue his plans that threaten the economy and our national security,” said Sen. Cruz. “The Continuing Resolution funds Obama’s Amnesty, it funds Obamacare, and it funds military operations in Syria that are not authorized by Congress and are dependent on unreliable actors in the region.”

“I have offered several amendments to make America more free, strong, and safe, but the sad fact of the matter is that Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid’s do-nothing Senate refuses even to allow vote on them,” said Sen. Cruz.

Sen. Cruz filed the following amendments to the Continuing Resolution, which were blocked by Senate Democrats.

  • Defund Obamacare
  • Effectively prevent President Obama from taking prospective executive actions to illegally expand amnesty.
  • Extend the CR effective date from Dec. 11, 2014 to April 17, 2015, to avoid holding a lame duck session.
  • Require President Obama to seek and receive congressional authorization for military force before conducting ongoing military operations against ISIS.

Sen. Cruz also cosponsored the following amendments:

  • Sen. Ayotte’s amendment to permanently extend the internet tax moratorium, commonly referred to as the Internet Tax Freedom Act
  • Sen. Ayotte’s amendment to extend the internet tax moratorium through June 30, 2015 to prevent new taxes on internet access and unrelated internet sales tax legislation during the lame duck session.

Sen. Cruz Questions Sec. Hagel and Joint Chiefs of Staff General Dempsey

On Tuesday, Sen. Cruz asked Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel and Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey about the military strategy to combat ISIS during a Senate Armed Services hearing.

Armed Services
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At the hearing, Sen. Cruz specifically asked Secretary Hagel and General Dempsey what would be required to conduct a 90-day military strategy to destroy ISIS. General Dempsey stated that the military could be used to “confront them, destroy equipment and drive them underground.” But he went on to say, “Truly there is no military solution to ISIS…it’s got to be part of a broader, whole of government, regional campaign.”

Sen. Cruz disagrees with the assertion there is no military solution to ISIS. In the hearing, Chairman Dempsey said that the military could be used to confront ISIS, destroy their equipment, and drive them underground in the next 90 days. Sen. Cruz believes that is plan that should be vigorously pursued.

Sen. Cruz said, “Whatever military action is undertaken in Iraq and Syria, President Obama should seek proper congressional war authorization; it is required by the Constitution. While he has the power to conduct operations as Commander-in-Chief against urgent threats, he does not have the power to unilaterally plan, fund, and execute a mission that could consume many years. President Obama should not rely on old authorizations of military force requested by President Bush to combat al Qaida and Saddam Hussein as license to conduct nebulous operations with the unattainable goal of achieving political reconciliation in the region.”