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The News with Sen. Cruz - September 9, 2016


September 9, 2016

Never Forget


On September 11, 2001, the world briefly stopped turning. People from across the globe stood in horror as our nation faced one of its darkest hours. As we watched the planes crash, the buildings crumble and thousands of innocent lives lost in an act of pure evil, we also saw the very best of America - strength, patriotism, and courage.

This weekend, we solemnly pause and remember the fallen. We remember each and every American who showed up during our country’s time of great need. And we express our profound gratitude for all those who have sacrificed and continue to serve in our ongoing fight against terror.

We owe it them to stand united in protection and defense of the founding principles that built our great nation, and I remain committed to doing just that as your U.S. Senator.

Keep Texas Strong,

TC Sig
Ted Cruz

Read Sen. Cruz’s full statement in observance of the fifteenth anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks here.

This week, Sen. Cruz renewed his efforts to prevent the Obama administration from giving away U.S. oversight of the Internet to an international consortium of foreign nations, some who have no regard for America’s national security or free speech interests. He also honored the life of conservative stalwart Phyllis Schlafly, spoke against North Korea’s latest nuclear test, and introduced legislation opposing U.S. loans to the anti-democratic government of Nicaragua. See below for more details of Sen. Cruz’s work on behalf of Texans in Washington this week.

Sen. Cruz: Congress Has 22 Days to Protect Freedom on the Internet


On Thursday, Sen. Cruz spoke on the Senate floor, outlining the possible dangers of the Obama administration’s radical proposal to relinquish oversight of the Internet to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), scheduled to take place on October 1, and urging Congress to stop the giveaway before it’s too late. Specifically, Sen. Cruz detailed the risks of increasing the influence of countries like Russia, China, and Iran over the Internet, such as censorship of speech and uncertainty of the .gov and .mil top-level domains. Sen. Cruz also took time during his speech to memorialize conservative leader Phyllis Schlafly, who passed away on Monday. 

“In 22 short days, if Congress fails to act, the Obama administration intends to give away control of the Internet to an international body akin to the United Nations,” Sen. Cruz said. “I rise today to discuss the significant, irreparable damage this proposed Internet giveaway could wreak not only on our nation, but on free speech across the world. If the Obama administration hands control of the Internet over to this international organization, it’s not like the next president can magically snap his or her fingers and bring it back. Unscrambling those eggs may well not be possible…” 

Cruz continued, “To stop the giveaway of our Internet freedom, Congress should act by continuing and by strengthening the appropriations rider in the continuing resolution that we will be considering this month, by preventing the Obama administration from giving away control of the Internet. I urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to come together, to stand together and ensure that we protect freedom of the Internet for generations to come.” 

Read and watch Sen. Cruz’s speech on Internet freedom in its entirety here. Watch Sen. Cruz’s remarks in honor of Phyllis Schlafly here.

Sen. Cruz to Chair Hearing on Protecting Internet Freedom


Next Wednesday, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight, Agency Action, Federal Rights and Federal Courts, will convene a hearing titled ‘Protecting Internet Freedom: Implications of Ending U.S. Oversight of the Internet.’ The hearing will investigate the possible dangers of the Obama administration’s proposal to relinquish oversight of the Internet to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), scheduled to take place on October 1. ICANN is a global organization consisting of 162 countries, including authoritarian regimes such as China, Russia, and Iran, which do not have a First Amendment right to free speech. 

Sen. Cruz has championed efforts in the Senate to stop this Internet giveaway, including introducing the Protecting Internet Freedom Act in June with Rep. Sean Duffy (R-Wis.), which would prevent the Obama administration from relinquishing oversight of critical Internet functions and protect national security by ensuring that the United States maintains sole ownership of the .gov and .mil top-level domains.

Last week, Sen. Cruz also unveiled a new countdown clock site raising awareness of the looming September 30 deadline for Congress to take action to stop the administration’s transition.   

More details regarding Sen. Cruz’s upcoming hearing on Internet freedom are available here.

Sen. Cruz Praises Thune, Grassley, Goodlatte, Upton for Efforts to Preserve Internet Freedom

On Thursday, Sen. Cruz issued the following statement after the chairmen of the Commerce and Judiciary Committees in both the Senate and House raised numerous concerns about the Obama administration’s plans to end U.S. government oversight of the Internet. The chairmen detailed their concerns this afternoon in a letter to U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker.

“I would like to thank Chairman Thune, Chairman Grassley, Chairman Upton, and Chairman Goodlatte for their leadership on this issue and their efforts to protect freedom and free speech on the Internet,” said Sen. Cruz. “If Congress fails to act by September 30, the Obama administration intends to give away control of the Internet to an international body akin to the United Nations, causing irreparable damage not only to our nation, but to free speech across the world. I am grateful for my colleagues’ attention to this issue and pleased to work with them to prevent the administration from transferring the IANA functions contract on October 1, 2016.”  

Read the full press release, including more information regarding Sen. Cruz’s efforts to stop President Obama’s Internet giveaway, here.

Sen. Cruz Issues Statement on the Passing of Phyllis Schlafly

Sen. Cruz on Monday issued the following statement regarding the passing of conservative leader and founder of the Eagle Forum Phyllis Schlafly: 

“Today, our nation and the conservative movement suffered a great loss with the passing of an extraordinary woman, Phyllis Schlafly. 

“Few will ever match Phyllis’ conviction and tenacity. She stood, literally, on the front lines fighting against forces that threatened to upend families and sought to undermine the Judeo-Christian values upon which our great nation was founded. 

“Phyllis Schlafly loved America. Her contributions to our country went far beyond her work exposing the illogic of liberalism: Phyllis led the charge to make the Republican Party pro-life and defended the sanctity of marriage. She was a passionate defender of U.S. sovereignty and championed Reagan’s policy of ‘peace through strength’ during a crucial time in American history. 

“Heidi’s and my prayers are with her family during their time of mourning. May she rest in peace.”

Read the full release here.

Sen. Cruz Introduces the Nicaraguan Investment Conditionality Act

On Wednesday, Sen. introduced the Nicaraguan Investment Conditionality Act (NICA) as a companion  to Reps. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen’s (R-Fla.) and Albio Sires’ (D-N.J.) bipartisan House bill (H.R. 5708). This legislation would direct the United States to oppose international loans to Nicaragua until the Ortega regime is held accountable for its oppressive, anti-democratic actions and the Secretary of State certifies that Nicaragua is taking effective steps to hold free and fair elections.

“President Ortega’s ‘democracy’ is proving to be nothing more than a thinly veiled façade,” Sen. Cruz said. “Resorting to classic dictatorial tactics, Ortega has imposed a cloud of censorship upon the Nicaraguan people in order to isolate and silence those who are striving to live in a truly free society. The United States should not look the other way. We must do all we can to shine a bright light on President Ortega’s persecution and help the people of Nicaragua choose a path of freedom and prosperity. I look forward to working with my Senate colleagues to advance the Nicaraguan Investment Conditionality Act so that we may hold Ortega’s volatile leadership accountable and take a firm stand for liberty.” 

Read more about Sen. Cruz’s efforts to promote freedom and human rights in Central America here.

Sen. Cruz Issues Statement on North Korea’s Nuclear Test

Sen. Cruz on Friday issued the following statement strongly condemning North Korea’s latest test of a nuclear warhead: 

“International sanctions and diplomacy have failed in the face of North Korea's grim resolve to become a nuclear power. Kim Jong-un is not going to suddenly become more reasonable than his father or grandfather--he is their standard bearer. A credible U.S. policy toward North Korea must include the designation of Chinese entities responsible for aiding in the DPRK’s proliferation activities. Furthermore, we should redouble cooperation with South Korea and Japan as they confront this growing menace, and reinforce their growing alliance as we take common sense steps such as the deployment of the THAAD missile defense system to the region.   

“North Korea should be on notice that the United States will not tolerate their destabilizing aggression--and other rogue regimes pursuing nuclear capability like Iran should be on notice that we will not allow this history to repeat itself.”  

Read the full release here


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