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VIDEO: Democrats’ Radical Energy Policies Would Devastate Blue-Collar Economy & Destroy Millions of Jobs

HOUSTON, Texas - With the selection of Green New Deal supporter Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) as his Vice Presidential nominee and running mate, Joe Biden has sent a clear message to America's blue-collar energy workers: your job is on the line.

WATCH: Democrats' Radical Energy Policies Would Devastate Blue-Collar Economy & Destroy Millions of Jobs

Kamala Harris is openly hostile towards America's energy producers and consumers.

While running for the Democratic presidential nomination, Harris championed a plan aimed at taking companies she deemed "polluters" to court and called for $10 trillion to create a "carbon-neutral economy."

And at a CNN town hall in September 2019, Harris stated, "There is no question I am in favor of banning fracking."

But Kamala Harris's actions as California Attorney General speak even louder than her words. In December of 2016, just two weeks before she was sworn in to serve as U.S. Senator from California, Kamala Harris sued the Obama/Biden administration to block hydraulic fracturing off the coast of California. Her lawsuit came despite the fact that the Obama/Biden Administration had approved the permits and their environmental review found that fracking wouldn't significantly impact the environment.

Earlier in 2016, Harris opened an inquiry targeting Exxon Mobil's statements regarding the risks of climate change. And while serving as California Attorney General, Harris also previously signed on to defend President Obama's misguided and expensive "Clean Power Plan" that would have raised Americans electricity bills.

In the Senate, Kamala Harris signed on as an original co-sponsor of the Green New Deal and even introduced legislation with Green New Deal architect and Squad Member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) aimed at creating new regulations to ensure that the "Green New Deal Lifts Up Every Community."

These actions make it abundantly clear that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want to "rewrite" our economy by championing the policies of the socialist Green New Deal.

The stakes for America's energy sector couldn't be higher. As Sen. Cruz has repeatedly warned:

"In Texas alone, almost 350,000 Texans employed by the oil and natural gas industry would lose their jobs if the Green New Deal is ever signed into law. The $14 billion in state and local taxes and state royalties paid by the oil and gas industry -- which represents 29% of Texas' gross state product and helps fund Texas schools -- would be gone. [...]

"Now, more than ever, it's time to champion America's energy independence, protect our national security, spur economic growth, lower energy costs, and support the hundreds of thousands of blue-collar workers across this country whose livelihoods rely on a vibrant energy industry."

WATCH: A Ban on Fracking Would Be Bad for the Economy

Read more about how Joe Biden's energy policies would eviscerate our vibrant energy sector and millions of energy jobs here.

In the Senate, Sen. Cruz has long championed America's energy producers and energy independence. Earlier this year, Sen. Cruz joined several of his colleagues in the Senate and officials across the country in signing the Empowerment Alliance's ‘Declaration of Energy Independence.' Learn more about the pledge here. Read more about Sen. Cruz's efforts to protect oil producers from the recent economic crisis here.



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