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VIDEO: Sen. Cruz: Five Things Merrick Garland Needs To Answer Now!

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, today released the following video in advance of Attorney General (AG) Merrick Garland’s testimony before the committee today, demanding AG Garland answer five crucial questions. Read the full transcript below.

“Ten months into the Joe Biden administration, Attorney General Merrick Garland is finally testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee. We need answers from Merrick Garland on these five things now.

“Number one, why did the Department of Justice cater to the wishes of partisan activists who want to teach critical race theory in schools and think that parents are domestic terrorists?

“Number two, the Loudoun County School Board covered up a sexual assault by a gender fluid individual against a ninth grade girl. And instead of going after the school board, Merrick Garland attacked the victim’s father in his memo against parents. Did Merrick Garland know about this cover up and the brutal sexual assault when he issued that political and partisan memo?

“Number three, there are troubling questions about Garland’s apparent conflict of interest with his son-in-law. His son-in-law makes a whole bunch of money with a company teaching critical race theory—do ethics matter to the Biden administration?

“Number four, Garland also needs to answer questions about whether the Department of Justice is investigating Anthony Fauci for lying to Congress. Fauci told Congress that the administration had not funded gain of function research on the Wuhan virus. That is a lie. Will the Biden administration pursue charges?

“Number five, finally, in America’s second city, nearly a third of Chicago’s Police Department could be dismissed due to vaccination status. Garland needs to answer if Biden’s COVID mandates are hurting communities suffering from crime and why first responders, why the heroes of our communities are the victims of Joe Biden’s illegal vaccine mandate.”
