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Sen. Cruz Delivers Foreign Policy Address at Hudson Institute
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, on Tuesday delivered remarks and participated in a conversation focused on ‘Interventionism vs. Isolationism' with Hudson Senior Fellow Mike Doran at the Hudson Institute. There, Sen. Cruz discussed his approach to national security, the new generation of threats the United States faces, and how to get past the false choice between interventionism and isolationism. On the European lobbying... -
Sen. Cruz Issues Statement on Midland-Odessa Shooting
HOUSTON, Texas - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today issued the following statement in response to the shooting in Midland-Odessa: "Heidi and I are heartbroken by this heinous attack, and we are lifting up in prayer all the victims, their families, and the entire Midland-Odessa community. We are thankful for the law enforcement officers who heroically risked their lives and acted swiftly to stop the shooter and save others. Their courage helped prevent even more senseless deaths, and we honor... -
Sen. Cruz: Two Years After Harvey, We Remain Texas Strong
TEXARKANA, Texas - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) this week during his statewide tour released a video marking the second anniversary of Hurricane Harvey's landfall and the incredible progress made on the road to recovery. On Wednesday, Sen. Cruz toured Anheuser-Busch's Houston Brewery to visit with employees and thank them for their efforts during Harvey. In the wake of Harvey's devastation, Anheuser-Busch temporarily paused beer production to distribute water to hurricane victims and first... -
Sen. Cruz, Grover Norquist Op-Ed in Real Clear Markets: To Keep the Economy Growing, Index Capital Gains to Inflation
HOUSTON, Texas - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform, today penned an op-ed in Real Clear Markets, where they call on the administration to index capital gains to inflation. In the op-ed, Sen. Cruz and Norquist highlight the economic benefits of this tax policy for Americans of all walks of life, as well as the bipartisan support such a move has had in the past. "Over the longer term, a capital gains tax cut spurs the growth of new businesses,... -
Sen. Cruz in Houston Chronicle: Texans Mark Harvey Anniversary in Spirit of Triumph
HOUSTON, Texas - Following the second anniversary of Hurricane Harvey's landfall, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) continued his statewide tour Wednesday with visits in Houston, Port Arthur, and Beaumont, where he commended the progress communities have made to rebuild and grow even stronger in the wake of this tragedy. As he wrote in the Houston Chronicle: "In the days, weeks and months following Hurricane Harvey - there were no party lines, no racial divisions, and no echo chambers of outrage.... -
Sen. Cruz: We are Seeing the Benefits of Economic Policies That Get Government off the Backs of Small Businesses and Job Creators and Let Yall Do What Texans Do Best
WACO, Texas - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) on Tuesday continued his statewide tour to visit with local workers, families, and small business owners with stops in Waco, Temple, and Brenham, Texas. In Waco, he addressed members of the Texas Farm Bureau, Texas Association of Business, and U.S. and Waco Chambers of Commerce on USMCA and trade. Still photos of Sen. Cruz's remarks at the Texas Farm Bureau Conference Center may be viewed here. On the strength of the Texas economy following historic,... -
Sen. Cruz Applauds Nomination of Eugene Scalia to Be Secretary of Labor
HOUSTON, Texas - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today issued the following statement in support of President Trump's nomination of Eugene Scalia to be the Secretary of Labor: "I commend the president's excellent nomination of Gene Scalia. Gene is a brilliant, principled leader who as Secretary of Labor will no doubt be a champion for economic opportunity and for working men and women all across this country." ### -
Sen. Cruz Continues Statewide Tour With Stops in Dallas and Corsicana
CORSICANA, Texas - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) yesterday continued his statewide tour to visit with local workers, families, and small business owners with stops in Dallas and Corsicana, Texas. In Dallas, he joined members of the Dallas World Affairs Council for a discussion focused on how to enhance American national security. There he, discussed his legislative efforts to enhance U.S. security interests at home and abroad and expressed his support for the ongoing trade negotiations. Still... -
Sen. Cruz to DHS Acting Secretary McAleenan: Ensure That the Burden of Paying for This Crisis Does Not Fall Disproportionately on Those Border Communities
WACO, Texas - With Border Patrol apprehensions along the southern border in May 2019 up nearly 300 percent from May 2018, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today urged United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Acting Secretary Kevin McAleenan to provide much-needed support for the border communities disproportionally affected by the rise in illegal immigration. In a letter to Acting Secretary McAleenan, Sen. Cruz wrote: "For decades, Congress has failed to fully secure our southern border... -
Sens. Cruz, Cornyn, Gov. Abbott Praise HUD Announcement of Intent to Release Stalled Harvey Funding
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and John Cornyn (R-Texas), along with Gov. Greg Abbott (R-Texas) today issued the following statements after the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced it would publish the Federal Register notice that will release $4.3 billion in Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds appropriated by Congress in February 2018 for disaster relief in Texas: "This is a positive step for all of the Texans who... -
Sen. Cruz: Latest Twitter Bias Underscores Need for Big Tech Transparency
WASHINGTON, D.C. - In the latest example of Big Tech's political bias, Twitter last week continued its pattern of arbitrarily silencing conservative voices when it froze U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's campaign account. From blocking PragerU videos and trailers for the pro-life movie "Unplanned" to blocking political candidates' ads, this move demonstrates once again the enormous control these companies have over our public discourse. It's no wonder a majority of Americans... -
Sen. Cruz Issues Statement Applauding U.S. Sale of F-16s to Taiwan
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today issued the following statement applauding the Trump administration's decision to advance the sale of dozens of F-16 fighter jets to Taiwan: "Today the administration took a critical step toward bolstering the national security of the United States and our longstanding ally Taiwan with the sale of F-16s. With China building up its military to threaten us and our allies-and the People's Liberation Army aiming thousands of missiles at Taiwan and... -
Sen. Cruz Op-Ed in Dallas Morning News: The El Paso Shooting Was Racist Domestic Terrorism, and Congress Must Act
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today penned an op-ed for the Dallas Morning News where he reflected on his visit to El Paso in the wake of the horrific mass shooting at the Walmart near Cielo Vista Mall. In the op-ed, Sen. Cruz calls on Congress to enact commonsense, constitutional measures to prevent these heinous attacks. "Repeatedly, over the past three years, our state has been struck by unspeakable evil - this time, in the form of white supremacy, anti-Hispanic bigotry, and... -
Cruz, Cornyn, Babin Call On NASA to Award Lunar Lander Program to Johnson Space Center
WASHINGTON, D.C. - In response to a news report that NASA will designate the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, to lead the development of the human-classed lunar lander for the Artemis program over the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas - which has served as NASA's lead center for human spaceflight for more than half a century - U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and John Cornyn (R-Texas) along with Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas) today urged NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine to... -
Sen. Cruz Issues Statement on Demonstrations in Hong Kong
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today issued the following statement regarding the ongoing demonstrations in Hong Kong in response to the Chinese Communist Party: "The Chinese Communist Party is deepening its campaign to deprive Hong Kong of its freedom and autonomy. The people of Hong Kong have responded with ten weeks of protests, which have been met with more threats and deepening repression. "America's relationship with Hong Kong is premised on its autonomy from China, and if... -
Sen. Cruz, Colleagues Praise Trump Administrations Act to Modernize Broken ESA Processes Negatively Impacting Species and Landowners
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Western Caucus, along with fellow members of the Senate and Congressional Western Caucus today released the following statements applauding three final rules from the U.S. Department of the Interior, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries that will modernize Endangered Species Act (ESA) regulatory requirements. These rules aim to improve collaboration,... -
Sen. Cruz Applauds Trump Administration for Standing with Farmers & Small Refinery Workers
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today issued the following statement regarding the administration's decision to grant 31 waivers to small refineries, continuing a policy that Sen. Cruz has urged the administration to uphold: "I applaud President Trump for standing with farmers and refinery workers in Texas and across the country who have helped fuel our economy, agricultural industry, and energy independence. The president's leadership stands in stark contrast to the Democrats,... -
Sen. Cruz in El Paso: 'In the Face of Horrible Evil, Texans Come Together'
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) earlier this week traveled to El Paso to support a community struck by unspeakable evil. During his visit, he received briefings from local officials, law enforcement officers, and first responders, and met with doctors and nurses caring for shooting survivors. He also spent time with victims and their grieving families and visited a memorial to honor the innocent people who lost their lives to this horrific act of violence. "I've spent the last... -
Sen. Cruz: There Is No Place For This Evil
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today issued the following statement regarding the ongoing investigation in El Paso: “Over the last day, the outpouring of support for the victims, first responders, and local authorities in El Paso has been overwhelming and heartening. In response to this despicable hate meant to divide us, the people of El Paso immediately and powerfully came together. “As the son of a Cuban immigrant, I am deeply horrified by the hateful... -
Sen. Cruz Issues Statement on El Paso Shooting
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today issued the following statement in response to the shooting in El Paso: “My heart is with everyone in El Paso struck by this unspeakable evil. Heidi and I are praying for the victims and their families and grateful for the first responders, local authorities, and law enforcement officers working tirelessly to bring the perpetrator of this depraved act to justice and keep the entire community safe. There are millions of people in...